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After a few minutes of flying, Jack arrived at Pitch's Lair. He went in without hesitation...He needs to save her.

"Pitch!" he called out inside the cold and quiet lair. "Why hello to you too Jack." Pitch said as he appeared in front of him.

Jack pointed his staff at him ready for anything "Where is she?" he asked straight to the point. "Where is who?" Pitch asked innnocently.

Jack scoffed "You can't fool me Pitch...I know you took her." Jack said looking straight to his eyes. Pitch chuckled as he shook his head..."I'll tell the truth...yes...I took her." he said turning his back and walked away slowly.

Jack followed him still pointing his staff at him. "Now...where is she?" Jack asked. Pitch looked at him. "Why would I tell you?" he asked with a smirk. Jack became impatient, he shot pointy ice at the side of Pitch which made him gasp. "I'll do that to you if you won'" he asked angrily.

Pitch smirked "This is what I like about you...You're a fighter...Very Well." Pitch said as a dark shadow surrounded Jack and with that...he disappeared.

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