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"That was close!" a dark voice said

"Too close!" a female said...

He turned to her "That's it shall not leave that girl on her own...Jack will be back..I can feel it."

Gothel nodded "Alright Pitch."


Rapunzel blinked and sat up and held her head groaning slightly...

She looked around and saw that she was already on her bed...


She turned and saw her new pet Pascal...

Rapunzel reached out her arm to him for him to crawl up her shoulder.

She stood up and looked at the mirror...the frost is gone...maybe it was just a dream...

She heard movements downstairs..

"Mother's here." she mumbled..

Pascal hid behind her shoulder...

She went downstairs and greeted her mother who is currently cooking her favorite made her smile...

Rapunzel helped with the dinner and prepared the plates...

"Mother...were you the one who placed me on the bed?" Rapunzel asked

Gothel nodded "Yeah...Why'd you end up sleeping on the floor anyway?"

Rapunzel frowned "I was just uh...uhm...I just thought of sleeping on the floor...I wanted to experience sleeping on a hard floor with no foams.." she said nervously with a chuckle...

'Stupid Lie' Rapunzel thought...

Gothel just nodded..She knew why afterall...

"Uhm...when you transfered me to my bed?...did you notice that there's frost on my mirror?" Rapunzel asked once again...

Gothel took a sip of her water and faced her "No...I didn't and why on earth will there be frost on your mirror? It's not winter."

Rapunzel frowned..She was sure that there was a while ago..she even touched it...Maybe it really is just a dream...But a part of her kept saying that it's not...

"I'm going to a dear and wash the dishes okay?"

Rapunzel nodded and hugged her mother...

After washing the dishes, she closed the window and went to her room...

She sat on her bad and stared at the mirror...

Pascal crawled out and went to the bed beside her...

"You saw the frost on the mirror a while ago right?"

Pascal nodded...

"Yet mother told me that there was nothing there...I'm so confused."

Pascal patted her arm with a sad look...He knows about Jack...

"I think mother is hiding something...and I'm gonna find a way to know what it is." Rapunzel said to Pascal and he just nodded.

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