The Outside world

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Rapunzel nodded excitedly. She took the purple cloak and she hang her hair on the hook she was about to slide down but she was confused why Jack just stood there "Umm Jack?" She asked looking at him...he smiled playfully until Rapunzel knew just what he was about to do "Jack, don't you dare!" She stated, Jack ran towards her end held her by her waist and dashed out the window. Rapunzel shrieked  "Jack!!!! Put me down! I can walk you know!" She said. "Oh come on just enjoy the view." Jack said. Rapunzel looked down the view it was beautiful but it would be more beautiful if she can walk on those fresh grass herself but then she just looked at the view and she loves the feeling that she's finally outside for the very first time although it was quite weird, What made her mother change her mind? but then she doesn't want to think about those things not now that she's enjoying.

They were flying and flying until Rapunzel yelped "OW!" Rapunzel's hair was caught on a branch and she accidentally lost her grip on Jack "Oh no! Jaaaaccckk!!!" She screamed as loud as she can Jack flew down towards her, he saw her hanging on a tree struggling to go down safely she then saw him "Jack thank goodness umm a little help here." she said as she pointed her hair tangled on the branch. "Hold on there Punz." Jack said as he untangled her hair "Whoa!" She gasped as she fell hard on the ground "OW that hurts!" she complained as she rubbed her butt. "Whoops sorry." Jack said just then he felt a slight pain in his chest he let out a small groan. "Jack...are you okay?" Rapunzel asked worried. "I'm fine Punzie." Jack said as he held his chest "Are you sure?" Rapunzel asked once more "I'm okay Punzie I promise." Jack said. Rapunzel was still worried that she let him sit beside her. The two sat there for a while then Rapunzel fell asleep.

Jack looked at her and saw that she was asleep he smiled looking at her sleeping peacefully. The pain in his chest was gone he then realized where the pain came from...It was from her he remembered the rule that he must keep her safe from any harm no matter what. He leaned his head on the tree looking up the sky. Just then Rapunzel's head landed on his shoulder "Thanks Jack" she whispered although she was still asleep Jack smiled "You are always welcome." He whispered back then soon he also fell asleep.

Few Minutes Later...

Rapunzel opened her eyes adjusting her vision she realized, her head was on Jack's shoulder she immediately sat up straight and yawned. She noticed that Jack was smiling and murmuring something while he's asleep. She just smiled and looked around "I'll be right back Jack"she whispered before walking around the forest.

She walked and walked amazed at the surroundings "Best Day Ever." she whispered to herself Pascal patted her neck since he was on her shoulder and pointed the direction where Jack is resting "Oh right we better go back." Rapunzel said and walked back, she arrived at the spot where they were before but Jack wasn't there.

"Jack?! Jack?!" she called out but no one answered she started to worry "Oh no where could he be?" she whispered to herself. "Punzie?!" she heard a very familiar voice she looked up and there he was also looking for her she saw that he was also worried. "Rapunzel Where are you?!" He yelled. "Jack! Over here!"Rapunzel yelled waving her hand for him to see. Jack turned and flew immediately towards her.

"Jack I'm so sorry I..." Before Rapunzel could finish, Jack hugged her tightly "I thought I've lost you."Jack whispered,Rapunzel rubbed his back then Jack pulled away "Don't run off like that again!" He yelled Rapunzel was startled Jack had never yelled at her before, she took a step back as tears started to fill her green eyes. "Oh no Punzie I'm sorry I'm just..." she turned back before he could even finish she tried to hold back her tears but it was useless she sat on the ground and covered her eyes with her hands, there she started sobbing.

Jack sat beside her touching her shoulder but Rapunzel avoided him "Punzie,I'm so sorry I didn't mean to yell at you,it's just that you made me worried and I thought I will never see you again." he said Rapunzel wiped away her tears and looked at him "I forgive you, actually it was all my fault, I never should have left without asking you but Jack you also have to trust me I'm no longer a little girl anymore." she said. Jack noddded and faced the ground.

"Come on it's getting dark we need to find somewhere safe to sleep." Rapunzel said finally standing up. Jack nodded and the two of them started looking for a nice place to stay for the night. After a few moments of searching, they found a huge tree with a great place beneath to sleep. "Wecould stay here." Rapunzel said sitting down leaning her head against the huge tree trunk.

"Okay stay here I'll go get some firewood." Jack said before leaving. Rapunzel watched Jack disappear behind the bushes and closed her eyes. Pascal, her pet chameleon tapped her neck. "I'm fine Pascal...just tired I guess." she replied. "Aww...Little Rapunzel's getting tired? Maybe you should head back to your tower then." A male voice said. Rapunzel gasped and stood up searching the area for anyone to come out.

"Who Are You?!" She asked out loud. "I'd tell you later...Listen to me better go home before you get hurt." the voice said. "I'm not gonna go back to my tower yet...besides why would I get hurt? Jack is with me and he'll be there to protect me." She said. "Tsk,tsk,tsk...That boy?! he's not to be trusted and if you want to go on fine just think about what I told you." the voice said before disappearing.

Rapunzel stood there wondering about what the voice said. She was lost in thoughts that she didn't notice Jack came back full of wood. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked snapping her back to reality. "Uh..yes I'm fine." she said with a smile. "Are you sure?" he asked again. "Yeah...just tired from all the exploring." she said sitting on the ground.

"You should get some rest we have a big day tomorrow." Jack said building a fire. She nodded and slowly leaned on the tree with her eyes closed. "Goodnight Jack." she said. "Goodnight Punz." he replied as he smiled looking at her sleeping peacefully.


AN: Hello Guys!....Sorry I haven't updated for a veeerrrrryyyy LONG Time! I got busy and lost interest but anyway hope you like this chapter sorry 'cause it's short...Sorry again! :) :) :)

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