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When the lanterns slowly vanished, the two of them went back to shore. Rapunzel was still sad about Jack leaving her... but there's nothing she can there? " okay?" Jack asked snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked at him and nodded "Yeah...I'm okay." she lied...she's not okay at all. Jack always know when she's pretending so he knew she's not okay and he also know that she's upset...maybe because of what they talked about a while ago.

When they reached the shore, Rapunzel went out of the boat and walked away not even waiting for Jack. He saw this and walked towards her... "Punz! Wait up!" he exclaimed hoping to catch her attention but she just continued walking which made Jack to fly ahead of her and block her way. Rapunzel gasped when she saw Jack standing in front of her but she immediately composed herself "Jack...I'm not in the mood." she said thinking Jack wanted to play pranks and have some fun but Jack wasn't planning in doing any of that.

"I noticed...what's wrong? Just a while ago you were very happy and you seem so lively but look like you just lost someone important." he said raising his voice a little which he regretted because he saw Rapunzel's eyes fill up with tears. "You're right! I just lost someone! Someone who is really important to me!" she said also raising her voice as her tears rolled down her cheeks but she didn't care. Jack frowned,obviously confused at what she's talking about. "You know what?....Just forget it." Rapunzel added as she wiped away her tears and continued walking into the dark forest. Jack could be so clueless at times and that's the problem because he wasn't aware who that someone she's talking about.

Jack ran after her and asked her, "Who is that someone?" Rapunzel bit her lower lip trying to hold back her tears and looked away. Jack saw this and tapped her shoulder gently trying to comfort her. Rapunzel shoved his hand away slowly and shook her head. She finally looked at him..."It doesn't matter wouldn't change anything." she said and ran away. This time...Jack didn't block nor stop her. He just watched her retreating figure and sighed..He now knew who that someone she's talking about.

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