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  • Dedicated to My Crush :)

After drinking, she went back to her room to have a little nap.

She stared at the ceiling waiting for sleep to overcome her...but she waited and waited....but for some reason she can't even close her eyes...

She groaned and sat up...

"Something's missing..." she muttered to herself.

What she can't remember was that everytime she will sleep...Jack would hum for her...and it will always makes her sleep.

She decided to just read for a while to kill time...

She scanned through the pages and it seems so boring once again....she would always enjoy herself when she reads was because Jack would make fun of the characters making funny faces which never fails to amuse her.

Frustrated, she slammed the book close and sighed....

Something is really missing...or maybe.....someone.

"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!"

She immediately got up and ran to her window to help her mother come up.

After pulling her up using her loooong golden hair, she smiled and hugged her...

"Welcome home mother." Rapunzel said sweetly...

God! she was so lonely and alone a while ago.

"Oh come on Rapunzel...I was just out for an hour...were you so bored?" Gothel asked placing the food she just bought.

Rapunzel fiddled with her fingers and chuckled "Uhmm.....yes....I was so lonely and it feels like I'm incomplete...and I don't know what is missing." she said.

Gothel turned to her "Really?"

Rapunzel just nodded "It's like...something...or...someone's missing." she added.

Gothel turned her attention back to her basket and rolled her eyes...What a lovesick girl!

"Oh please never even met another person except me

Rapunzel sighed and nodded…that was the weird part….she felt like she already knew somebody else…a boy to be exact but something is blocking her memory.

“Oh! I forgot to buy potatoes!...Rapunzel dear….I have to go again…I forgot something.” Gothel said with a smile.

Rapunzel,the ever sweet and understanding person, nodded and led her mother to the window…

“I’ll see you later my flower!” Gothel yelled from below before walking away…

Rapunzel watched as her mother disappeared into the huge rock which was protecting the tower from intruders.

Although…Rapunzel felt like she already saw what was on the other side…like she already went out of her tower.

“That would be silly…I never left.” she said to herself and went back inside.

A cold wind passed by her making her shiver…

Why’s the wind so cold?’s already spring…

She turned to her window and saw a little chameleon…lying uncounscious and…wounded.

“Oh dear!” She immediately ran towards the poor creature and gently carried it with her to her room.

What she didn’t know…Jack was still outside her window watching her…He can’t leave her and it bothers him…he was already attached to her that it’s hard to let go…

He found the chameleon when he was flying towards the north pole and saw the poor thing on the rock all wounded and weak…he immediately remembered Rapunzel…

She told him a few years ago that she wanted to have a pet…and he immediately took the creature with him…and maybe it can also lighten up her mood a bit.

He smiled when he saw Rapunzel come down the stairs the little creature still on her hands but now it was treated with medicine…or her hair.

“You’ll be okay in no time…” Rapunzel said to the animal like it can hear or understand her.

She smiled when the little thing squeeked.

He stared at her for a while…he missed her…so much…

If only he was there when that happened…that accident that changed everything…he would still be with her cracking jokes and maybe sharing great moments…

He wanted to kill his self for his carelessness…

This never should’ve happened if I was there…

He sighed and looked at her once again…

She was now touching the painting she made of her and him having fun…

“Who are you?” he heard her mumble…

I’m Jack…I’m your guardian…and your very first friend….

He wanted to blurt out but he knows it will just scare her and maybe avoid him…and that’s not what he want …

If only there’s another way…

After staring at her…an idea popped in his head…

This could work…

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