An Unforgettable Day

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Rapunzel heard the birds chirping and it made her smile. She fluttered her eyes open and saw the sun shining down at the wonderful forest. She took a deep breath. She still can't believe her mother let her explore...She wondered what made her change her mind. "'re up. Goodmorning!" She smiled at Jack. "Goodmorning!" she greeted back. She stood up and stretched her arms feeling the warm breeze.

"Happy Birthday Punzie!" Jack said happily. Rapunzel smiled "Thank You Jack!" she said giving him a hug. Jack was quite surprised at what she did but hugged her back anyways. Jack has feelings for Rapunzel since she turned 15. But he has to control those feelings for it is not possible. He's an immortal while she's a mortal...He's the night and She's the day...He's a guardian and she is not...They're just too different.

Rapunzel pulled away when she saw the castle flags. "The Kingdom!" she mumbled. "Let's go." Jack said taking her hand and pulled dragged her towards the kingdom. Rapunzel blushed at what he did. She also has feelings for him since she turned 13 but she knew it's impossible. After a few minutes the arrived at the bridge leading to the lively kingdom of Corona. Rapunzel was filled with excitement that she pulled her hand away and went ahead of Jack.

She smiled wider when she saw the banners and the people. She was way ahead of herself that she forgot all about her extremely long hair being stepped on. Some people even wondered what it is. She yelped when a lot of people stepped on it. "Whoa! There!" Jack exclaimed when he saw Rapunzel's situation. Jack helped her gather her hair and tried thinking of something to help her solve the problem.

He turned at one direction and saw four girls sitting by the fountain,braiding each other's hair. Jack whistled to catch their attention. He thought that the girls wouldn't see him but he was wrong. The girls opened their mouth and stared at him. "Jack Frost?" one of the girls asked. Jack nodded slowly even he can't believe the girls sees him but he shook his head trying to focus.

"Umm...My friend needs help with her hair." he said. Rapunzel looked at the girls "Could you...umm..braid my hair?" she asked. The girls saw the length of her hair and they all gasped and nodded. They really love braiding hairs. Rapunzel sat on the floor and waited while the girls were busy braiding her hair. After several minutes, her hair was braided adorned with beautiful and colorful flowers. She twirled and admired her newly braided hair "Thank you!" she said still looking at her hair.

Jack stared at her for a while and shook his head "Get a grip of yourself Frost!" he scolded himself. Rapunzel walked towards him with a wide smile "Let's go have some fun." she said. Fun...that's what Jack wanted so he nodded. They explored the kingdom for a while when both of them got hungry. "I'll go get some food." Rapunzel suggested. She was about toline up at one of the stalls when Jack grabbed her arm. "Allow me." he said. "What? They can't see you remember?" Rapunzel said.

"Relax Punz...I know this guy..and he sees me." Jack said pointing at the vendor. "Alright...I'll just wait here." she said and walked out of the line. Rapunzel waited for Jack to return when she saw a mural...The Royal Family. "It's for the Lost Princess." a girl said placing a flower beneath the mural. She looked at the mural and saw the baby girl who looks like her. She raised an eyebrow wondering why.

"Hey...what are you looking at." someone said snapping her out of her trance. She turned and saw Jack holding a packog apples and a loaf of bread. "Ummm...The Royal Family." Rapunzel answered. Jack looked at the mural and saw the baby. He even thought it was Rapunzel..."You look like her." Jack said handing Rapunzel her share of food. "Who?" she asked. "The Lost Princess...You look so...similar." Jack said pointing the baby girl in the mural. "Maybe we just really look alike...Coincidence." she said taking a bite of her apple. "Maybe...maybe not." Jack said. Rapunzel shook her head "How about we go to the library? I wanna read." she suggested. Jack just nodded and they both went to the library.

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