Birthday Wish

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Few years passed and the two became very close to each other. Jack knew about her hair and its ability and he would feel sad about Rapunzel not allowed to go outside so he brings the fun inside her tower instead. Then Rapunzel's birthday is tomorrow and Jack would like her to go with him outside and enjoy. Jack sat beside her at the window admiring the blue sky "Hey It's your birthday tomorrow what would you like to do?" Jack said. Rapunzel looked at him "Well those lanterns would light the night sky tomorrow night and I'd love to see them...Personally." she said as she looked down "Well I could take you out and see them." Jack said Rapunzel looked at him sadly "Jack you know I would love to but" she said as she pointed her very very very long golden hair Jack knew what she meant. "Plus mother said it's dangerous out there." Rapunzel added.

Jack didn't gave up he kept begging and convincing her to go out. "Oh come on Rapunzel let's go out for just one day." Jack pleaded. Rapunzel stared at the grass "Oh alright." She finally said Jack flew up immediately pulling Rapunzel's arm up they flew but Rapunzel stopped him "Jack! Not now! We need to ask mother's permission or she will be furious!" She said. Jack was disappointed but then he obeyed her the two landed safely inside the tower. "Rapunzel she's your mother, every mother wants their children to be happy so I'm absolutely sure she will agree." Jack said. "I hope so Jack, I hope so." Rapunzel muttered. Then in a few minutes a woman called her name "Rapunzel! Let down your hair!!!!" the woman called and Rapunzel knew who it was, Mother "It's time!" Rapunzel said Jack gave her a goodluck look. Rapunzel hung a few strands of her very long hair to a hook and she drop the rest.

Her mother made loop and stepped on it Rapunzel pulled with all her might so her mother could come up. Finally her mother was already standing on the window Rapunzel sighed then smiled "Welcome home mother!" She greeted gleefully. Her mother greeted back then she went to the mirror admiring her own reflection. Rapunzel stood there and looked at Jack who was gesturing her to go tell her mother her wish. Rapunzel took a deep breath and walked towards her mother who was still looking at her reflection. "So mother do you know what day it is tomorrow?" Rapunzel asked excitedly. Gothel stared at her "Umm..Friday?" she answered the smile on Rapunzel's face faded yet she still forced to smile "Nope guess again!" Rapunzel said. Gothel, her mother, stared at her and shrugged which means she gave up and wants Rapunzel to tall her instead "Mother...It's my birthday! Ta Da!" Rapunzel said as she squeezed her mother's arm and made her mother to step back "No,no,no I just remembered your birthday was last year." Gothel said.

Jack snorted and Rapunzel gave him a cold stare. "Well that's the funny thing about birthdays they're kind of an annual thing." She said then became serious. "Mother I'm turning eighteen and I wanted to ask..." She said nervously and looked at Jack who was giving an encouraging look then she looked back at her mother who was waiting for her to finish her sentence."You wanted to ask what?" Gothel asked. Rapunzel bit her lower lip "I want to see the lanterns!" she blurted out Gothel was shocked at her behavior and also of what she said.

Rapunzel walked towards a wall covered by a red curtain she then opened it revealing a painting of her and also Jack looking at the lanterns. "These lanterns, they appear everynight on my birthday,only on my birthday and I can't help but feel that they were meant for me." Rapunzel said. "I need to see them mother and not just from my window but in person." Rapunzel added. Gothel disagreed but Rapunzel didn't gave up ,she kept on begging her mother until Gothel got irritated thet she yelled at her. Rapunzel froze on her spot, water were filling her green eyes then she bursted in tears and ran to her bedroom upstairs she buried her face on her soft pillow and there she kept on crying and sobbing. Jack went after her and comforted her.

Meanwhile, Gothel was downstairs, she sat down on a chair and placed her palm on her forehead "What have I done?" She asked herself. Just then black shadows and sands surrounded the tower Gothel immediately stood up and grabbed the knife on the table. The sand formed into a man with gold evil eyes. "Well hello there Gothel!" He said with an evil grin.

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