Just a little note :)

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So as you may know this story is coming to an end. I just want to say thank you. I know that it didn't go in-depth on their relationship and things are happening quite quickly but their relationship was more of a sexual aspect than that of a day to day relationship. I just want to let you know that I will be going back and editing it to make it seem like a more sexual based relationship from the beginning.

I just don't really know how to keep it 'spicy' with a day to day relationship without making it cringe. I want to be able to look back on this story and read it knowing that I didn't feel uncomfortable in any situation I typed out.

So again thank you. I know that was the issue with one of my previous books with not going in-depth enough but I truly have no idea how to write about it and it not be the same thing over and over again. (Don't mention Daddy's Babygirl because that story is complete garbage where it stands lol)

I know how I want this story to end and I'm very very happy with those of you who stuck out from the beginning even though it took me over a year to continue it. Sorry about that by the way.

For these last couple chapter(honestly it could be 2 more chapter or 10 more im not sure what else I'll place between here and the end) you need to be ready for heartache and the shedding of tears because I may not be reading this story but man am I in love with every single character. It makes me cry just thinking about what I'm soon to put on these pages so please make sure you have some tissues.

Good luck....

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