Chapter I: the Assignment

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It was always a pain working as a member of the S.T.A.R.S unit in Raccoon City, but it helped keep people safe, so Chris kept doing it. It had been several years since he and Claire lost their parents, and all that mattered was keeping Claire safe. He'd been sitting at his desk, doing paperwork, when his partner Jill Valentine came over. "You ok? You seemed quite tense during that meeting yesterday." She asked out of concern. Jill was never one to miss a detail, and she certainly didn't miss that meeting yesterday. Chris and Chief Irons had gotten into it, simply due to Chris' sexuality. Chris never thought being homosexual was an issue, of course, he didn't go around town telling everyone, not even Jill or the others knew yet. The details had not been disclosed yesterday, Irons had simply said that if Chris' big secret got out, that it could ruin the department. Brian Irons was an asshole mind you, though he did keep the place running. Chris waved off Jill's concern with a false smile, "I'm good Jill, everything is alright." He said. Clearly, she didn't buy it though. "Is it? Don't lie to me Chris, we are friends, and you know you can tell me and the others anything." She replied, with suspicion in her tone, but also genuine kind words. "I do, thanks." He replied to her, his smile slightly disappearing, but he tried to maintain a happy look. Elizabeth had come over at that time. "Guys, chief wants us in his office, says there's something he has to tell us." She said in a rather serious tone. Elizabeth was never usually one to be this serious, she was more known to publicly go against the Irons' decision. Chris couldn't quite put his finger on what was bugging Jill lately though. He'd known her for about five years now, and knew when something was bothering her. "Jill, are you ok?" he asked out of concern. She seemed surprised at the question, but happily replied "oh, yes, I'm fine Chris, just fine.". Chris didn't really believe her answer, but he wasn't ok either, so that feeling was mutual and he didn't pry into it. They proceeded to rise from their seats, and walked into the chief's office. Jill and Elizabeth both seemed to notice the tension already in the air, between Chris and Irons. Wesker was in the room too, as was Barry. As they close the door and take their seats, they await the chief to speak. "Before anyone asks, no, I didn't call this meeting to discuss what happened yesterday." He says slightly coldly. He eyes Chris briefly when saying this, and Chris simply gives an angry smirk in reply. "I called this meeting because the Mayor and the city council wants us to investigate something that's going on at the Spencer Estate in the Arklay mountains. They haven't heard from the inhabitants or the workers there in about a week, and they're pretty suspicious about it." He continued. Jill was curious about this, "what do they think is going on?" she asked. Irons replied more seriously than he's ever been, "we don't know, but they think something bad happened at that mansion. So, your mission is simple, go to the Spencer Estate and investigate, then report back with anything you find, evidence, witnesses, anything.". Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, and clearly wasn't too fond with this idea, but went along with it, as did Wesker. Barry was quiet through the entire briefing, though so were Elizabeth and Wesker, who only listened very intently. After the whole meeting was over, they got all their gear prepared, loaded up on the choppers, then left for the estate.

*Imagine all the original characters (Jill, Chris, Wesker, etc.) with their looks from the Resident Evil 1 remake. Elizabeth has medium black hair in a ponytail, and wears an outfit similar to that of Leon Kennedy's RE6 outfit. Not the casual jacket outfit, but the one he wears when going to China. Oh, very early "spoiler", events of RE6 will not happen like they did in the game in canon, I'm kind of excited for that. I realize Chris being gay is not canon and may be controversial, but his sexuality will not be the main focus, it's more so a major topic when discussing his clearly bad relationship with chief Irons. The action will pick up though, I promise.

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