Chapter IV: The Escape

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They had been separated, but they tried to stay together at the same time. Chris had been separated with Jill, whilst Elizabeth and Barry were forced to find another exit. Their current plan, escape the Spencer Estate. Elizabeth had been clever enough to plant a distress beacon in the mansion before Wesker had taken their communication equipment. Jill smashed a zombie’s head in with a shotgun, whilst Chris fired at them with his magnum, and slashed them with his knife. They were making swift progress through the mansion, and it seemed they would find an exit soon. They ran through the next hall, with the undead not too far behind them, but this didn’t matter, all that mattered was getting out of this horrid place. They burst through the next set of doors to the outside, as they see a helicopter fly overhead to where Elizabeth had called for an evacuation point, just in case things went bad. They immediately closed the doors of the mansion shut behind them. Jill breathes out in some relief, but cautious as she knows those dogs are still out here, somewhere. “We should get moving, before they break out of the mansion.” She said, still panting, though more out of relief. Chris agreed with the sentiment, though he was rather weary of going back out into those woods knowing those dogs were still out there, even though he didn’t know where they were. They started their walk through the woods and to the evacuation point. They had come across communication equipment along the way, so they were able to get back into contact with Elizabeth and Barry, who were already halfway to the evac helicopter. They continued their walk afterwards, keeping their weapons raised and armed just in case those dogs made another appearance, and mostly remaining silent, so as not to alert those dogs to their location. Chris had decided to tell Jill, albeit quietly speaking. “Jill?” he begun, she listened intently, but didn’t turn to face him, understandable though. “Yeah partner?” she replied, trying to do so quietly and in a happier tone of voice. Chris gulped slightly, as he wasn’t entirely sure how she’d take his upcoming revelation. Claire had already known, as she’d met his first boyfriend, who was also his only, until he’d turned into a big jackass about pretty much anything Chris did, going home, going to the store, calling someone on the phone, going to work. He hadn’t been seeing anyone since, afraid they might turn out like his last relationship, or worse. “About that…I guess you can say confrontation I had with the chief in his office a couple days ago…” he continued, “yeah, what?” she asked, keeping her eyes forward, but she was clearly interested in knowing. He sighed nervously before he continued, “it wasn’t really just ANY secret, he was so afraid that…that if I had been found out as….as a gay man, that it would tarnish his public reputation, and ruin the department.” He finished. Jill’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if she had been thinking about the events of that day and she’d finally had an answer, but Chris couldn’t tell if she was ok with him being who he was or not. “Oh…I’m sorry, really, I didn’t…” she begun, before Chris finished her sentence for her saying “I know, you didn’t know. Nobody did, except Claire. Not even my parents knew.”. Jill took her attention away from the path in front of them, and turned to him to say something, though it seemed she wasn’t entirely sure what to say. She finally said something after a moment, “I…have a confession to make. When you asked me yesterday what was wrong, and I said I was ok, I lied. Truth is, I was too busy thinking about how to tell you…that…” she said, she stopped after that last word though, as if she was afraid to say something. Chris gave her a nod, encouraging her to continue. She very reluctantly did so, “well, Chris, I had been thinking…about you, and not in a friendly way. I had feelings for you.” She finished, sighing nervously as she completed her sentence. Chris was slightly taken by surprise, as he’d known she was keeping quiet about something, but he didn’t know what, but now it made more sense. “You know, you could’ve told me.” He said in a genuinely kind tone. She seemed to sigh in relief, “I know, we are friends, but this was something I just couldn’t tell you, because if I did, I knew nothing between us would be the same.”. Chris understood how she felt there, like when he had to tell Claire about their parents that day, and everything changed. They continued their walk, as they were almost to the evacuation helicopter. “I’m not angry, and I’m perfectly fine with you being who you are. Disappointed? Maybe, but I am glad in a way, because now nothing changes, except the fact you’ll be seeing guys.” Jill suddenly said, giving him a slight smile. The voice of Elizabeth came from Chris’ earpiece, “sorry you two, couldn’t help but eavesdrop a little. For the record, I’m cool with you being gay Chris, mainly because I may already have someone you’d be interested in.” she said, in a bit of a comic voice, though she was obviously serious about everything she just said. “Oh? Who?” Chris asked, and almost couldn’t hold in his laugh, “you’ll just have to find out once we get out of here.” She replied. They couldn’t help but all laugh, though they had to do so quietly, so as not to attract those zombified dogs. Eventually though, this proved unnecessary, as they finally reached the chopper, seeing Elizabeth and Barry were already on board, just waiting for them. They all smiled at each other, as it now seemed that the worst night of their lives was over, or so they thought…

*So, the Jill and Chris conversation about things, awkward, lol. That will end RE1, I'm so bad with events of the 1st game, I know, I should have done better. If you have played the 1st game, or know all the events, then just put some of that in to fill in the big void. I do promise that the events of RE2 and RE3 will be more detailed, and will make better references to the events of those games. I'm going mostly by the original RE2 game. We'll finally get to see Ada Wong, are you ready for that. You will briefly see Claire and Leon, I'll do my best. Also, "another spoiler", I'm mixing in elements from Paul W.S. Anderson's Resident Evil Apocalypse, but I promise I am not going the way those movies went, I'm going to stick more closely to the canon universe, but take it my own way by combining all this.

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