Chapter III: The Mansion

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They had been chased by some crazy looking dog, and then more of them had come out of the woods to chase them, but thank God they had made it inside the mansion. They were in fact safe, for now at least. Jill had tried to contact them as they’d been running from the creatures, but they couldn’t answer at that time, and
when they finally tried answering back, once again, static. They were now stuck in this giant, complex mansion, but the big question, where was everyone? Jill? Barry? Wesker? The residents? Somebody had to be here. Chris was still panting, and clearly tired from running for his life. “Where…where are they?” he asked. Elizabeth seemed to frown slightly at the question, as it seemed pointless to ask. “I don’t know, why are you asking me?” she replied, slightly angry. The tone of voice took Chris by surprise. “I was just asking, maybe somebody knows something.” He said, smiling, and trying to ease the situation, to no success. “Oh, maybe you’re right. Maybe someone knows about what the fuck is going on up here, and why the hell there are a shit-ton of undead looking dogs out there!” Elizabeth retorted. Chris knew she didn’t mean to use an angry tone, she was just as frightened as he was. “Ok, I’m sorry.” He said, seeming to frown himself. Elizabeth took deep breathes and sighed heavily, “me too. I’m sorry Chris, I’m just…I…we just need to find out what is going on, find the others, and get the hell out of here.” She replied, in a much calmer tone. They kept their weapons lowered, but armed, just in case. They ventured through the mansion, each room growing stranger and stranger, as they finally came across a door at the end of a hall. They opened it, and look in the doorway to the other side. A man was on his hands and knees in the opposite hall. He was bald, wore what looked like a white lab coat, and seemed to be in distress. “Sir? Sir? Are you alright? Do you know what’s going on?” Chris asked the man, though he got no reply. The man seemed to slowly get off his hands, but remained on his knees. As he did this, Elizabeth notices a body was lying in front of the man. The man slowly turns his head, and the sight sends more chills through Elizabeth and Chris. His eyes…were lifeless, and his skin looked like it was in decay. He had blood across his mouth, and then Chris noticed the body in front of the man, and it looked as if the man was…eating the body. The man turns around and gets up slowly, and starts to slowly walk towards them. Elizabeth raises her rifle, “stop!” she yells, but the man didn’t comply. “I said stop! Stop, or I will shoot!” she yells to warn him, but he still doesn’t comply. Elizabeth sighs, and aims her rifle at the man’s left leg, and fires. To her shock, the man keeps coming. She tries again, this time with his right leg, but the man keeps coming, to the growing confusion and shock of Elizabeth and Chris, and he even snarls at them. “What the…” Elizabeth begins, and then fires at the man’s heart, only for the fear and shock to skyrocket. “What the hell?! Why is he still coming?!” she asks out of fear. Chris is too shocked to even speak, but he decides to aim for the man’s head. He fires his rifle.
Just as the man reaches Elizabeth, and the man collapses. Chris is still shocked, but manages to sigh heavily, more so out of relief. “It took that, THAT to bring this bastard down?” he said, panting a little heavily from the shock. Elizabeth just looks at him with fear in her eyes, “I’m not sure I want to know what’s happening here.” She said. Chris gives a nod, but decides to leave the now dead man behind. “That shot to the heart should’ve killed him.” Elizabeth continued, “plus he looks like…like he’s been dead for a while.”. Chris looked back at her with confusion in his expression, “what are you saying?”. She sighs heavily before finishing, “I think we’re dealing with some kind of zombies or something. It’s the only logical explanation.”. He was still confused, it was a logical and believable conclusion, but even so, it didn’t answer the question of how these…zombies, came into existence in the first place. They both decided to keep that thought in mind as they continued to go through the mansion. Now, about an hour and a half has gone by. Eventually, they come across a large room, with nice linoleum floors, red curtains and rugs, a nice large silver chandelier, and a dining area. They are met at the other side of the room by the familiar faces of Barry and Jill, and all of them are more than happy to see each other. They run up to each other, hugging, and expressing their happiness to be reunited. “Guys, it was hell.” Chris said, but smiling that they had reunited. Jill nodded in agreement, “flesh eating people, and various creatures? Yeah, same.” She said. Barry remained mostly silent, as did Elizabeth. Chris decided that since there was a chance they may not leave this mansion alive, that it was the best time to share what really happened between him and Irons. “Guys, There’s something I need to tell you about the little confrontation between Irons and myself.” He said, with a more serious tone and expression. The others focused on what he had to say, whilst Jill encouraged him to continue. However, they are interrupted by Wesker, who had been separated from Jill and Barry earlier. “As much as I myself would like to hear that, we have to get out of here, now. I was looking around every corner while coming down those halls, and I saw a whole horde of those undead. They’ll be here within the next five or ten minutes.” He said seriously. While Chris did want to tell them about his situation, it did seem like a better idea to get out of here first. “Albert, I just came from the hall, how did you find your way here so easily? We all had a hard time, but also, you didn’t give detail on the death of private Andrews.” Jill said, and she eyed him up and down with suspicion. Barry seemed to notice this as well. Before they could continue however, Wesker started clapping, in a sarcastic manner it seemed. “Very clever Ms. Valentine. So, you
figured it out then.” He said. Jill shook her head, “easy really. The fact that I found those old recordings of you and Oswell E. Spencer, the fact he asked you to develop some type of bio-weapon.” She continued, while glaring at him angrily. Elizabeth wasn’t surprised by the revelation, after all, Wesker had always been secretive. Chris frowned as the revelation, shocked that a man who’d been a pretty good friend, and leader of their whole team, was capable of such an evil thing. Though, as Wesker say a few words, then depart, and they hear the sound of undead groans from the opposite hall, they knew this night was yet to be over.

*Yep, Wesker's betrayal was different from the original canon, he was in cahoots with other bad guys, "big surprise", lol. This scene was a lot put in, and difficult to do all together, but I enjoyed adding in the zombie scene. It was one moment from the 1st game that I know, so I had to add that in, keep the horror aspect of the storyline here.

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