Chapter X: Annihalation

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It was just a set-up, the entire evacuation thing. By now, four hours had gone by, and the bomb would drop on Raccoon City an hour from now. Once they had all arrived there, they were taken into custody by Umbrella, and now all had their hands bound behind their backs, with the exception of Alice, who was exiting the evacuation chopper with Angie, as the leader of this group of Umbrella operatives named Major. Cain, was holding them at gunpoint. Angie rushed over to her father after she saw him. Nemesis was also there, but not attacking, not surprising given that Alice told them that Nemesis was under Umbrella’s control. Cain was speaking with Alice, attempting to get her to fight Nemesis for a final time, “I will bring an end to your little attempt at escape. Now, you fight Nemesis, or they die, one by one.” He stated seriously, and Chris could tell he was, unfortunately, serious. Alice shook her head and tried to call this a bluff, “what makes you think I care?” she said seriously, but clearly not meaning what she’d just said. Cain raised his brows and shrugged, before aiming his gun at Dr. Ashford and shooting him in the heart, killing him instantly. “Daddy! No!” Angie said from the sidelines, and Chris was enraged at this sight, he’d kill this bastard soon enough though. “He was a valuable asset to the corporation, as was Lucy, but now they are rather expendable, and I don’t even care about these other people. Now, what will it be? Otherwise I execute them all, right in front of your eyes.” He stated seriously, giving her a slightly angry glance. Alice gave a brief look at Chris, then Angie, and accepted to fight Nemesis if it meant that no more harm came to her new friends. So, she fought Nemesis, eventually kicking him into some very sharp giant piece of metal, impaling but not killing him. However, she stopped soon after. Cain egged her on to kill him, but she ultimately refused, though before he could order his men to execute Chris and the others, Nemesis seemed to catch on to the fact that he himself was expendable, and so he turned on Cain and his men, and begun firing on them with his Gatling gun. Chris and Carlos had broken free of their bonds, thanks to Carlos’ use of a hidden knife he used to cut himself free. They proceeded to steal weapons from a few of the now dead Umbrella operatives, and freed the others, while providing them cover fire. Jill took Terri and Angie to cover, behind the chopper, and Lucy had gone into the chopper to take care of the pilot, she killed him in the process, but left the co-pilot alive, as he didn’t seem to be willingly working for Umbrella. Soon, Carlos had rushed off to get Alice, with Angie already ahead of him there. All the Umbrella operatives, aside from Cain, had been killed in the firefight just now, so Chris and Jill kept Cain under watch to ensure he didn’t try to escape. Not that it would matter, an hour wasn’t long enough for him to try escaping the city on foot. Cain was restrained by a now armed Terri, who held him at gunpoint on the ground, with Chris and Jill there as well to ensure he didn’t try anything. “I’ve got this thing ready, Now we’re waiting for Alice and the others.” Lucy said aloud from the cockpit. The co-pilot remained silent the entire time, though so did Chris and Jill. The group were surprised to see Alice and the other two return with other surviving officers, R.C.P.D. officers. Chris recognized them as Dee-Ay, Willow, and Harley from the day before. The three rushed on board, as Alice, Angie, and Carlos were still on their way, but not far off now. Jill rose from her seat and pulled out her gun, aiming it down at Cain before grabbing him, “get up!” she said angrily, pulling him up in the process. Alice and the other two had gotten on board at that point, “if you want me to beg, I will not.” Cain stated firmly, giving Jill an evil smirk. Alice grabbed him from Jill at that point, as she took Angie. Alice threw him back down to the floor before getting on top of him. It was clear to everyone Alice was going to throw him off the chopper, and down to the zombie horde that was approaching, but no one objected. “You know, killing me, won’t make things right.” He said, still giving a smirk. “No!” Alice retorted angrily at him, and his smirk was soon gone, “but it’s a start.” She finished, before pushing him off the chopper. Alice, Chris, Crispin, and Jill watched the scene below as Cain was slowly consumed by the horde, as their helicopter flew away from Raccoon City.

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