Chapter VII: Who is this lady?

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The very sight of the name, "Umbrella", had Chris enraged on the inside, as he knew they had to have something to do with whatever was happening. He traveled faster, at a running, and then jogging pace until he got into what was supposed to be a busier area of the city, but it had become a ghost town in a sense. It was nightfall by this time, around eight o'clock. Chris ventured inside what was a weapons store, and slowly checked around every corner. He heard the sound of footsteps on another aisle. "Hello? Is someone here?" he called out, but got no reply. The footsteps stopped, Chris had been in law enforcement too long, and so he knew it was somebody. "Who's there? Show yourself. This is sergeant Chris Redfield of the RCPD, please step out." He tried again. Finally, someone came from around the corner. It was a woman. She had short blond hair down to her neck, one of those shirts where her stomach and arms were visible, black pants, and boots, though the pants seemed to cover up those boots. Chris looked the woman over, and remembered he'd seen a picture of her at the Spencer Estate, but he didn't know who she was. "Who are you?" he asked her, but kept his magnum raised. She also kept her two small shotguns raised, "why? Are you with them?" she retorted, slight hints of suspicion in her question. He frowned at the suspicion, but answered her question saying "with Umbrella? Hell no, they're the reason I'm even in this shit.". She seemed convinced enough with his reply, and he lowered his gun to further prove that he was only there to help. She respectfully lowered her shotguns as well. "Alice." She replied with determination. Chris could read this woman's attitude, and something told him they would get along just fine, though for how long, remained to be seen. "Chris. Do you know what the hell is going on here?" he asked her, wondering if she had any answers whatsoever. "An outbreak of the T-virus. It's changing people, but something tells me you already know this." She replied, giving him a look of concern. He sighed as he answered, "I do. I was with my team at the Spencer Estate in the Arklay mountains, about 3 months ago now. We came across what looked like, some type of undead dogs, as well as people. We were betrayed by our team leader Albert Wesker. Only my friends Elizabeth Wheeler, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, and myself survived. I just have to say this, I saw pictures of you in that mansion, with wedding attire, and a man.". Alice could clearly pick up on his curiosity, "Spence. I don't remember his last name. There was some kind of nerve gas that knocked me unconscious for a while, and I lost my memory for that whole period, and time before. I had traveled underground to a secret facility called the Hive, underneath the streets of Raccoon City. A virus had escaped, and killed all the Umbrella staff down there, but it then resurrected them. I'm positive this outbreak is the same virus." She told him. This entire situation was getting more complicated and more intriguing, but all those other questions would have to wait. "I see. I do have to say though, that I didn't come here for any investigation. I came back to Raccoon City not long after leaving to come find my friends Elizabeth and Jill, and another...uh, acquaintance." He told her, hesitating slightly at the last part of his sentence. Alice seemed to notice, but even though she did, she wasn't interested in questioning. "Then we have a mutual understanding already. Let's get moving." She said, smiling a little as they exit the weapons store, and head off towards the Raven's Gate church.

*Above photo is courtesy of Resident Evil Wiki - Fandom.

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