Chapter V: Departure

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Chris couldn’t believe his ears, they had just survived this incident at the Spencer Estate, and yet chief Irons is only calling them delusional. Now, he wasn’t surprised, Chris was expecting a negative reaction upon Irons hearing everything from last night, but nothing like this. Not only had Irons done that, but he’d also suspended Chris, as well as Jill, Elizabeth, and Barry, indefinitely until an investigation by federal authorities had been completed. To add even more fuel to the fire, Irons was discrediting everything that the four of them had told him, bastard. Chris didn’t want to stay in this city a minute longer, and neither did the others. Well, Elizabeth had to, she still had a friend in the city that she couldn’t just leave behind. Chris, Jill, and Barry on the other hand, had little to no friends in Raccoon City, and so they had been planning on leaving. It was September 29, so nearly 3 months had gone by since that night at the mansion, and they’d scheduled to be out of the city by tomorrow morning. Chris had gotten some contacts within the RCPD to falsify records, and classify Jill, Barry, and himself as missing. He had a feeling this would eventually get to Claire, but it was for her own safety, as Umbrella agents had already raided Barry’s, and Jill’s houses, as if they were hiding something. Wesker had already revealed to them of Umbrella’s hand in the mansion incident in July, so it wasn’t really a surprise. Chris had finally gotten the rest of his necessities packed up and ready to go, so he took his things outside and put them in the back of the truck, which was a four-seater. He got into the driver’s seat, buckled in, and drove away from that small apartment he hated so much. Jill was the closest to pick up, plus Barry had apparently already taken a separate vehicle, so it’d just be him and Jill. After a what was a twenty-five-minute drive, he made it to Jill’s apartment. She threw her things into the back of the truck, then got into the passenger’s side. She wore a blue strapless tank-top, a short black dress, and very light-colored brown boots. They quickly drove away from her apartment, and towards the city’s exit, which would take about an hour and a half, maybe two depending on traffic. “Thanks Chris, I don’t want to stay in this damn city a minute longer.” Jill said, frowning as she looked out the window at the sights. Raccoon City, it used to be a very small, industrial town, but over the years it grew to be a city, it was now probably about the size of Houston, Texas, though its population was a little over 100,000. From a distance, it was a beautiful city, but up close, it was a hell-hole. “Don’t mention it, though I don’t really want to leave Elizabeth here.” He replied, seeming concerned for Elizabeth’s safety. Jill turned to him, and smiled slightly, trying to ease his concerns. “She is quite a capable woman, trust me Chris, she’ll be fine. Not like the city’s got much to throw at her anyway.” She said, laughing at the second piece of her statement. He chuckled,
though inside, this didn’t ease his concern. The ride out of the city was actually quicker than anticipated, but Jill requested Chris stop at the park up ahead. He did as she requested, but was confused as to the reason. “I’ve changed my mind Chris, I’m staying.” She suddenly said, and this made Chris more confused. “What? Why?” he asked, “I just…I want to stay and do my own little investigation into Umbrella’s activities. I know, I know, it’s crazy, but I have a feeling it will be worth it.” She retorted. He sighed and reluctantly gave in, “I’m not fighting you on this Jill, because I’ve known you too long to know how you are with these things, but…just be careful.” He said, a slightly grim look on his face. Jill grinned, “Chris, aren’t I always?” she said in a comic and sarcastic, yet serious manner, before exiting the truck and making her way to the nearby alley. Chris was worried about her decision to remain in Raccoon City, but it was too late to stop her. So, he drove off, continuing so as he had finally gotten to the city’s exit. He didn’t even stop to look back, as he drove off into the horizon.

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