Chapter II: The Arklay Mountains

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The flight to the mansion was quiet. It took about an hour or two to get to the mansion, as Chris and his team landed in the forest surrounding it, whilst Jill and her team had landed closer to the Estate. They walked through the forest, Chris, Elizabeth, Greg, and Oscar. “It’s quiet.” Elizabeth said, though she seemed on edge. “Maybe too quiet.” Chris replied. They kept their rifles armed at all times, in the case of any surprises. Elizabeth seemed to notice something, as she had aimed her gun towards the trees to the left. “What is it?” he asked, keeping a quiet tone. “I thought I saw a dog or something, might have just been a wolf.” She replied. She reluctantly aimed back in the direction they were walking. They look behind, only to notice that Oscar was not there. Chris was concerned at this, “wait, where’s Oscar?” he asked quietly. Elizabeth simply shrugged, whilst Greg replied saying he didn’t know. They stand there for a moment, before hearing a scream, it was Oscar, and it was blood-curdling. “What the hell?” Elizabeth said, seeming to be a little afraid now, but kept her composure. Chris could feel himself shaking, though it wasn’t visible. “Oscar?!” Greg yelled, before rushing off into the direction of the screaming. Two more screams were heard, being Sgt. Londell and Corporal Diana, coming from the same direction, which was back towards the mansion. Elizabeth tried contacting Jill via earpiece. “Jill do you read? What the hell is going on over there?” she asked. It took a minute before Jill replied. “I don’t know, but I’m close to where they were screaming from. I’m rounding the corner, maybe it’s just…” she goes silent. This prompted more concern from Chris and Elizabeth, as they attempted to get her attention back, but their communications had gone completely static. They eventually got a message from Wesker telling them that he had rescued Jill, and that they, along with Barry, were rushing towards the mansion. Chris replied telling Wesker that they would meet them there soon. Not too long afterwards, a dog had walked out in front of them, maybe fourteen feet away. It looked odd though, the dog was bloody, and seemed rabid. It also had its bones exposed, which was frightening. “What the hell is that?” Chris asked out of some fear, though Elizabeth stood there wide-eyed and just as afraid. “Run.” Elizabeth said, “RUN!” she repeated. At this, they both ran off into the direction of the mansion, with that…creature…still in hot pursuit.

*Something about chapter 1. Yes, I did hint that Jill has a major crush on Chris, so, yeah. What about the zombie dogs? Did I do decent on that at least? I realize this may be going too fast in terms of storyline, but like I said before, I have never seen much of RE 1 gameplay, or know a lot of the stuff from it. I do remember RE2 and RE3 though, so elements from that will be in more quantity, and will be referenced.

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