Invasion! Part 3...

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"I can't believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship." Cisco said excitedly as we walked through the S.T.A.R. Labs hangar. We assumed that our efforts would be better on Earth, where we knew the Dominators were targeting, rather than on the waverider. "Key words: alien spaceship. I have questions."

"They can wait." Oliver told him sternly before looking at me and Nate. "Thanks for helping me get my sister home."

"Yeah, man." Nate nodded.

"What's our status?" Oliver asked the other team.

"Nothing, since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads." Barry informed his friend.

"Why would they do that?" Nate asked, not following.

"What if they were trying to pit us against each other?" Ray theorized.
"That kind of makes sense. Maybe in order to gain intel on metas?" I added.

"Man, I wish they would just send an IM with a questionnaire." Felicity complained.

"Well, metas pose the biggest threat to their invasion." Kara pointed out. "It would make sense that they'd want to get to know their enemies. By kidnapping people."

"Perhaps they were searching your minds for potential meta-human vulnerabilities." My father suggested to the group.

"I think it's time we return the favor." Oliver said. I thought he was kidding until I looked at his face. He was dead serious.

"What? You want to kidnap one of them now?" I asked him, still not being serious at all.

"Ever since we fought off that one ship, they've kind of been in short supply." Barry pointed out. That was our other problem- how were we supposed to kidnap a freaking Dominator?

"Actually, I know where we can find one." Nate said suddenly. "I've been reviewing old army footage of their first encounters with the Dominators, and I think I pegged the fight to..." He paused as he pulled up the footage on the computer the nerd squad had set up inside the hangar. "Redmond Oregon, 1951." We all watched the footage, the Dominators slaughtering any soldier that got in their way.

"You're suggesting that we time travel to 1951, abduct a Dominator, and interrogate it to determine their intentions?" My father looked to Nate to confirm.

"They kidnapped us. Seems fair." Sara shrugged her shoulders.

"Woah, time travel. I'm definitely in." Cisco said, grinning.

"Okay, hold on, though. Professor Stein and Caitlin have been talking about a way to take down the Dominators." Cisco rolled his eyes as Barry continued to talk. "They could probably use your help."

"Pass." He responded coldly.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm him, mostly because I just don't wanna lose my geek cred, but time travel!" Felicity squealed in excitement.

"Me and Nate could take Amaya and Mick." I suggested to Sara.

"Do it."

"Okay." Cisco and Felicity ran off towards the waverider, looking like idiots as they pranced happily across the hangar. Nate and I followed after them, very less enthusiastically.


"This ship is everything!" Cisco said in awe, looking around the waverider.

"What type of propulsion system does it use?" Felicity added, just as excited as Cisco.

"No idea." Nate and I told her in unison.

"Oh my god." Cisco turned to Felicity. "That construct on the bow looks like it could be some sort of time sphere."

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