Crisis On Earth-X Part 3...

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"So this crap hole's Earth-X." Sara muttered as I stood beside her, observing the prison camp around us.

"Wells was right." Oliver spoke up.

"He usually is." Barry muttered, agreeing with his friend.

"It's hard to believe a place like this actually exists on any Earth." Alex looked around anxiously, nervous for her sister.

"I wish I shared your sentiment, but in all my travels to distant times, one thing which sadly remains constant is men's ability to feel hatred for other men." My father said, stopping his small pace around the large prison yard.

"All prisoners, stay away from the gate." Guards brought in more prisoners, each with a symbol on their chest.

"Stars and triangles..." Jax observed.

"Badges used to identify purported crimes these people have 'committed' to land in here." My father explained to him.

Jax approached a prisoner with a pink triangle resting over his chest. "What's the pink triangle for? What did you do?"

"I loved the wrong person."

A heavy feeling grew in my chest as Sara, Alex, and I all looked at each other. It was terrible just thinking about it.

"We gotta get out of these things." I looked at my father and Jax. "Transmute us out."

"With pleasure." The two grabbed hands, but nothing happened. They tried again. Still nothing.

"I can't vibrate through them either." Barry announced.

"Power dampening collars." My father finally realized.

"Well, then why are we wearing them?" Alex looked at Oliver, Sara, and I.

"Yeah, these Nazis have studied our every move. They know everything about us. They should know that the four of us don't have powers." I agreed.

Sara shook her head. "Doesn't matter. There's too many guards here anyways."

"They're gonna kill my sister."

"Look, we're not gonna let that happen, Alex, I promise you." Sara assured the red-head."

"We're gonna get back to our Earth before then." Barry agreed.

"How? We don't even know how we got here?" I pointed out. All I cared about at that time was getting back to my girl.

"No, we don't. We're gonna figure it out." Probably the only time I ever heard Oliver talk positively. "Then we're gonna find a way to get out of this place, and we're gonna get back to the people we love."

"I hope everyone else is okay." Barry muttered, looking down at the floor. He was thinking about Iris, clearly.

"Don't worry, Amaya's probably back with the rest of the Legends by now." I tried to assure him. "But as for us..." I looked around at the prison yard again. "We need to make sure we're okay."


"Move!" A guard yelled out, the other prisoners quickly scattering to the back end of the prison yard. The rest of us just looked at each other confused. None of us had no idea what was happening as dozens of guards entered the yard.

"I don't like the looks of this." My father muttered as sirens blared loudly.

"What's going on?" Alex asked the rest of the group.

"I don't know."

"Keep moving!"

"What are we doing?"

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