(2) Move In Day

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Two months later,

Bucky rode to Atlanta with Parker to help get Payton's stuff. Parker dropped him to get the Uhaul and meet him back Alec and Ally's house.  Between her jeep and her brother's car she was able tk fit the smaller stuff. 

Bucky and Parker put her new bedroom suite on the uhaul, and their new furniture for the house as well. She had came by the house earlier in the summer to measure her room and windows, while there she noticed all the ripped and stained furniture. 

Alec and Ally said their goodbyes before Payton took off with the boys. When they pulled up in front of the house in Athens. The football team was waiting in the front yard. 

"We got all the old furniture out Coleman, Halston already hauled it off. He decided to steal one of the couches." Caleb Jackson said 

"Thanks Jacks..well first thing first this is my little sister Payton." Parker said 

"Or as I like to call her PJ." Bucky said as he messed with her hair. 

She pushed him off, "And you know I hate it. But its nice to meet you all." She said 

The boys unloaded the uhaul first, Caleb came in with the box that had her desk in it. Payton was reading the instructions on how to put her bed together. 

"Here..let me help." Caleb said as he sat the box down. 

"Oh..thanks." she said 

He ended up putting together her whole room once Bucky joined in to help as well. They moved in all her smaller stuff. As she finished up her room, Parker and Bucky made good on their promise of free beer. After they all left, she came downstairs with three calendars and a notebook

"What is all that?" Bucky said 

"This is a chore chart, a schedule for when each of us cook and a grocery list." She said 

Parker rolled his eyes, "Just like mom." He mumbled 

She put them up on the fridge, "Orange for you P, and Red for you Buck and Purple for me." She said 

"Ugh, you suck the fun out of everything PJ." Bucky said as he grabbed another beer and went to the basement and Parker joined him. 

Payton went upstairs, took a shower and went to bed. 

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