(29) Payton's Birthday Surprise

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Four months later,

It was the day of Payton's 22nd birthday, Ally threw a party for her with the help of Bucky who had a extra surprise for her. He brought her to the party at the Atlanta Hilton Hotel ballroom. 

"I thought you said you were taking me out on my birthday." She said 

"I am.." he said 

"If you wanted sex why didn't we just stay home." She said as they went inside. 

"Payton baby, I didn't bring you to a hotel for sex. Why would I make us get out of bed for that?" He said 

When they opened the door, everyone yelled "Surprise Happy Birthday!." 

She gasped 

"Surprise baby." He said in her ear.

She kissed him, and "sorry for thinking otherwise.' She said 

"Its okay." He said 

Closer to the end of the party, Bucky clinked the champagne glass. 

"I need Payton to come here." He said 

She walked out to him, "What are you doing?" She whispered.

"Three years ago, as I stood behind my bathroom door you said yes to be my girl. I was practicing so to avoid that embarassing mistake I practiced at work. Payton Jordyn Coleman for the last three years I have fallen even more in love with you. I never knew that with one simple favor and a kiss that my life would change. But today, I am asking you to say yes one more time." He said 

He dropped to one knee, and opened up her box. "Will you marry me?" He said 

She gasped, and wiped tears. "Yes." She said 

He slid the ring on her finger, and kissed her. Everyone came over and congratulated them. Before they all went home she opened up his second present from him, a diamond encrusted B necklace. 

"You are the best." She said as she kissed him. 

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