(23) I Can't Do This

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Two days later,

"Dude so hows things with Payton?" Corey Smoak said 

Bucky popped his head in the direction of Lincoln and Corey giving him death glares. 

"Great.. minus the death glares I get from Barnes." Lincoln said as Bucky left the locker room. 

"Oh yeah, they use to be real close. He beat the shit out of Jacks at a party last year for hurting her. After that they were together all the time hanging out. Some of us thought they had gotten together but then she started dating you." Alec Martin said 

"Thats actually what sparked the fight with him and Jacks. He was jealous of them being together all the time." Corey said 

Alec pulls up Bucky's social media to show them the pictures of them together. He had seen them before on hers at the time he didn't think anything of it. But now he was starting to change his tune. 

When he got home from practice, he called Payton over. She went to kiss him but he pushed her away. 

"We need to talk.." he said 

"Okay?" She said 

"We need to break up.." he said 

"What? Why?" She said 

"I can't do this anymore Payton. Ive got Barnes giving me death glares, and my other team mates told me all about how close you two were. And yeah I had saw the pictures but never read fhe comments between you two." Lincoln said 

"Linc we are just friends, and room mates. He's like my best friend so we are around each other." She said 

"And the fight with Caleb? I don't want that if something was to happened between us." Lincoln said 

"Go to hell Linc, you are being utterly ridiclous and a coward and a pussy for breaking up with me over nothing. Lose my number and never speak to me again!" She said 

Just as Lincoln realized his mistake she was already out the door slamming it shut as he called her name. 

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