(3) Back 2 School Again

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Two weeks later,

It was at 9AM on a hot August morning, when Payton made breakfast, she woke up the boys cause they agreed to go back to school shopping with her. 

"PJ shush, I am sleeping and its our first free morning from practice." Bucky said half asleep as he laid on his stomach. 

She left his room, and went to her brother's room. She got the same response from him as well she let out a loud sigh. She found both of their schedules laying on top of their books they got the day before. 

She left without them, and went to Target. She was still gone when they got up an hour later to find their breakfast on the counter top. 

"Its cold.." Bucky said as he put his plate of blueberry pancakes in the microwave. 

Parker went upstairs to find her, and came back down. "My sister isn't here. Where is she?" He said 

"I don't know." He said as he shoved a bite of pancake in his mouth. 

Twenty minutes later, she came through the door. "There you are." Parker said 

"Yeah, here I am." She said as she went to get the rest of her bags. 

"She's mad Park." Bucky whispered 

She came back in, "here's your bags James, and here is yours Parker Joseph." She said as she handed them their school supplies. 

"Why are you mad?" Parker said 

"Because I did this all myself cause you two were to hung over to get up." She said as she carried her stuff upstairs. 

"I don't like this at all. Its like being home all over again with my mom being like that." Bucky said 

"I know."  Parker said 

"I only agreed cause she is your sister, and you all are like family. But she is killing this whole freexom vibe." Bucky said as he walked off. 

Two days later was their first day of classes, they all ate breakfast and went their separate ways. Payton found her friends once on campus. 

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