(22) Bucky Goes Home

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The next day, Bucky headed home to Atlanta for the weekend. Winnie met him at the door she hugged him as she kissed his cheek. 

"This is a nice surprise." She said 

"Yeah. I just needed to come and see you all since its my off weekend." He said 

She grabbed his face. "Baby whats wrong?" She said 

"Nothing is wrong." He said 

"I know my children, you all don't come visit for no reason." She said 

"Can't I just come see my parents." He said 

"Okay okay I'll leave you alone." She said 

He enjoyed dinner with his parents, him and James went to the old highschool's football game. The next day Bucky stayed quiet, and did his homework in his room. James came knocking on his door. 

"Son, your mom is worried." James said 

He looked down, "There is a reason isn't there?" James said as he shut the door. 

"Dad how did you know that mom was the one?" He said 

"Well, I didn't know until I kissed her at her sweet sixteen party. Her boyfriend had just ruined her birthday party by breaking up with her. So I found her at the water fountain crying. Joe was looking for her too. When I kissed her it was just like a blindfold was pulled off. She had been right in front of me the one even if she is two years younger than me..but why are you asking? Cause correct me if Im wrong, you swore up and down all that stuff you didn't care for." James said 

"I think..I...or I mean um.." he said 

"Son?" James said 

"My feelings have changed for Payton." He said 

"Then you need to tell her instead of letting her break your heart over and over." James said 

Bucky gulped, as tears welled. "Use this time to figure it all out son." James said as he left the room. 

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