(14) First Date With Caleb

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A week later,

Caleb showed up at the house with pink roses. Parker answered the door 

"You better behave." Parker said 

"I will." Caleb said 

Payton began to came down the stairs, Bucky seen her he gulped. 

"You look beautiful Payton." Bucky said 

"Thanks." She said 

Caleb gave her the roses, Parker took them for her. Caleb and her left for the date, he opened the car door for her when they got to the car. When they arrived at the restaurant he did it again, and he opened the door for her to go first into the restaurant. 

They had a great time getting to know each other, and laughing. They shared a dessert where he fed her bites. They shared a steamy kiss goodnight in the car before he walked her up to the door. 

"Good night Payton." He said 

"Goodnight." She said 

When she got inside, Parker and Bucky were both asleep on the living room couches so she went on upstairs and called her friends. 

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