(28) Payton Graduates

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A year and half later,

Payton took summer classes after Bucky graduated, and was able to graduate from college early. So Allyson threw her and her friends a big party not just because they were graduating. But also because they were either going into medical or nursing school. 

When Winnie saw Bucky kissing Payton, she looked at James. "The one good thing James is that their pictures won't have babies in them. They didn't get pregnant to early." She said 

He smirked, "True baby, that is true. But that could be cause he told me Payton will not have sex without protection." James said 

"She's definitely cautious like Ally." Winnie said 

"And thats a good thing." James said as he sipped his beer. 

The next day, Bucky moved Payton into their apartment that he had been living in for the most part alone except weekends for the last year and half. 

"Home every day baby." He said as he held her when they went to bed. 

"Best feeling in the world." She said as she kissed him three times. 

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