(20) Back to PJ

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1 month later,

Bucky and Parker were up early for an early morning, when they got back Payton still wasn't up making breakfast. Bucky knew that Lincoln stayed over, and he didn't care if he woke him up too he missed the workout. 

Bucky banged on her door, "PJ! Get up!" Bucky yelled 

Payton and Lincoln both jumped awake, she slipped on his shirt and went to the door. 

"What is your problem?" She said 

"My problem PJ, is its your morning to make breakfast and you haven't. I still have to take a shower and get ready for class. So you need to get off his dick." Bucky said 

Payton felt tears welling as she checked the time. "I'm sorry Buck I over slept." She said 

"Well maybe you shouldn't be fucking all night PJ." He said and walked off. 

She slipped on shorts, and went downstairs. Parker came in to see her wiping tears, "PJ don't. He didn't mean it. He is just hungry and tired thats all." He said as he hugged her. 

She laid out the plates, "Thanks PJ." Parker said 

"Yeah." She said in a low tone as she walked off. 

Bucky walked passed her and didn't stay a word to her. She rejoined Lincoln in bed since their first class wasn't till 10. After class was over, Payton stopped at the house to get some clothes.

"PJ?" Parker said 

"Oh hey" she said 

"What are you doing?" He said 

"Im gonna stay with Linc for a few days, Ive clearly done something for him to revert back to calling me PJ. So Im gonna give him some time to cool off." She said 

"PJ he didn't mean to sound like an ass." Parker said as she walked out. 

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