(30) All Along

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A year later,

It was finally their wedding day, everyone was gathered at their local church for the ceremony. Alec came into the bride's room. 

"Knock knock you ready?" Alec said 

"Yes I am." She said 

"You look beautiful princess.' Alec said 

"Thank you daddy." She said as she slid her arm into his. 

Ally went on downstairs, and took her seat. The bridesmaids walked down the aisle to "10,000 Hours." By Dan+Shay and Justin Bieber. Alec and Payton walked down "The Good Ones" by Gabby Barrett. 

Bucky smiled so big as tears welled, he took her hand. Alec gave her away, then sat beside Ally. 

"James, I never thought this would be happening between us until I heard you that day. I know I wasn't meant to hear it that way. But it will make a great story one day for our kids, I love you because you love me the way that I am. You don't care to watch musicals with me, and be silly with me. You always give me the self confidence I need in myself. And I love you more than anything when you make me breakfast in bed and rub my back till I fall asleep. I am so glad that I have you by my side cause these last 4 years have been the best time of my life." 

"Payton, my PJ I never thought a simple kiss would make me feel so much. You made me forget where I was that day, and how to breathe. It was like a blind fold had been pulled off, and the one that I wasn't even looking for was right in front of me all along I just didn't see her. You are mh world, my everything and the love of my life. I love you PJ forever."

They exchanged rings and sealed it with a kiss. Their first dance song was to "My Favorite" by Jason Michael Carroll. She danced with her dad to "Lady" by Brett Young. Bucky danced with Winnie to "Mother" by Sugarland

When they returned from their honeymoon they got the call that they got their house they had put a bid on. 

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