(9) The Art of Flirting & Wardrobe Changes

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The next afternoon after classes, she met Bucky in her bedroom with half of her clothes on her bedroom floor.

"What are you doing?" She said 

"Do you not own anything sexy?" He said 

She looked down, "Payton Jordyn we need to take you shopping." He said 

"Buck what is new clothes going to do?" She said 

"Get his attention, look at me. Payton you got some attributes that most girls would kill for you just need to work them a little." He said 

She looked at him confused, he took her over to her mirror, and pulled off her shirt. "Bucky!" She said

"What? I have seen you a damn bikini I know you have huge tatas. Now you have these and you have big lips as well. Stop hiding what your mama gave you and work it. Now put your shirt back on we are going shopping." He said and left. 

They went to the mall, and he picked out all kinds of different outfits for her. He took her buy Sephora where the consultant helped her find the lipstick to make her lips stand out and her green eyes pop. 

When they got home, they sat down in her room. "Now, guys don't pay attention unless you get our attention. Like we notice when girls draw attention to their mouths, or low cut tops. Caleb has a type he likes bold girls not quiet and shy. Me I like girls with a little bit of a brain and big boobs. So we just need you to get out of your comfort zone, and be a little more daring. Laugh at his jokes even if they aren't funny we like that." He said 

"Okay.." she said 

"Tomorrow is another lesson, get all this put away. Practice sucking on a sucker and biting your lip. Good night." He said and left her room.

She looked down then laid back on her bed. "This was a bad idea." She whispered

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