Meeting the club

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(Just saying the lines in every chapter may be changed cause I am to lazy to stick to the actual script rn)

Today is the day I agreed to sell my soul for a cupcake huh... "Z we are here!" T says as we stand infront of the club room door "huh... okay then" Welp better than nothing. He opens the door and we walk in. "Hey guys this is the new member!" He yells "I told you not to call me the new member T" "Ah you must be Aaron Z, T, talks about you a lot" huh he does? The boy seemed to have blonde hair with brown roots showing it was probably bleached. His eyes were brown and he has some freckles on his face. "Wow but why really serious but why out of all people your best friend!?" A guy with green eyes says. Man he seems sassy. "Ah Z, how nice it is to meet you again" a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes says to me. His name was Jesse I knew him last year. We were in the same class. "Ugh whatever" the green eye guy says again he really has an attitude "Robaire, please be nice to the new member" so his name was Robaire. I couldn't believe it this club was full of......many cute boys!(cause yes) "whatever" Robaire says. "You can ignore him when he is is in a bad mood" he says. "Anyways that is Robaire he is the one who made to cupcakes and is actually kinda nice" Robaire looks at him a bot angry from what he said. "Anyways the brown eyed guy is Taeyoung he is the smartest and to me the prettiest of the group" T says "D-Don't says things like that" Taeyoung says. Wow he may seem to be timid amd mature but he really gets flustered easily unlike the others. Okay so this would be my life from now on I could get use to it. "Okay guys let's get this place set up for the cupcakes!" T yells. They start rearranging the club room.

"Robaire you want to grab the cupcakes?" Says Jesse "Okay Jesse.." he says back. I could get use to this. Robaire comes back and everyone grabs one. I grab one and look for a place to bit the cupcake. "...?" Robaire just stares at me waiting for me to eat it, so I take a bite out of it. "Wow this is delicious!" I say. Robaire smiles a bit. Taeyoung went to the back and come back with a tea set ready. He places the tea pot in the centre and a cup infront of us. "Wait you keep a teaset here?" I asked. "Don't worry the principal gave us permission" he says as he sits down a grabs his cup of tea and drinks it. "So what made you consider joining..the literature club?" Jesse asked me "oh it is just that T is always talking about it so I thought I would check it out" I lied "oh alright then" Jesse smiles. " Taeyoung I am not really a tea drinker," I say "I perfer soda or milk with cakes" he looks at me and nods it was ether a okay nod or a you uncluttered swine nod. "Don't feel offended by Taeyoung he is only trying to impress you" Jesse says and chuckles a bit at the end. Taeyoung who was drinking his tea spits it out and looks at Jesse "W-What!?t-that isn't....!" He says shocked still. Obviously insulted he turns away embarrassed. "I was serious" he says still looking away. "I believe you!" I say so he feels a bit better. "Okay then..." he says looking back at us still embarrassed a bit by what Jesse has said about him. "So what made you consider to join...the literature club?" Jesse asked while pausing. "T just talks about it a lot so I thought why not just check it out." I say obviously lying. "It'sokay don'tbe embarrassed, as the president of the literature club, it is my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone" Jesse says. "Jesse I'm surprised how come you decided to start your own club? You could be a board member for any of the major clubs also weren't you a leader of the debate club last year?" I asked a bit too many questions. "Ahaha, well, you know to be honest, I can't stand all of the politics around the major clubs. It feels like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity and how to prepare for events... I'd rather take something I personally enjoy and make something special out of it. And if it encourages other to get into literature, then I'm fulfilling that dream!" Jesse finishes his sentence. "Jesse really is a great leader!" T says, Taeyoung also nods in agreement. "Then I'm surprised there aren't more people in the club yet it must be hard to start a new club" I say "You could put it that way not many people are very interested in putting out all the effort to start something brand new... especially when it's something that doesn't grab your attention, like literature you have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile but it makes school events, like the festival, that much more important I'm confident that we can all grow this club before we graduate! Right, everyone?" Jesse finishes after that long long sentence. "Yeah" T says. "We'll do our best" Taeyoung adds "you know it" Robaire os the last one to say that. Everyone enthusiastically agrees. Such different boys, all interested in the same goal.. Jesse must have worked hard just to fins these three. Maybe that's why they were so delighted by the idea of a new member joining. Though I still don't know if I can keep up with their level of enthusiasm about literature... "So, Z, what kinds of things do you like to read?" Tae asks me "well...ah..." considering how little I've read these past few years, I don't really have a good way of answering that.

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