{Act 3} There goes Ťāėýøųñğ...

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Tw: bl00d

"Hi, Z! I've been waiting for you. Are you ready to continue reading? I brought my best tea today-" "Jesse! I told you not to- ugh... is he really late again?" "Inconsiderate as usual, Robaire" "Excuse me?" "Must you always interrupt my conversations with your incessant yelling?" "What are you talking about?! You say that like I do it o a regular basis or something I just wasn't paying attention, okay? I'm sorry seriously... What's gotten into you lately?" "Me? N-Nothing..." "..." "Is it really that bad...?" "See, it is something" "I'll get over it! Itz not even anything noteworthy... I've just been feeling a little on edge lately... a-anyway, we don't need to talk about it!" "Well, I just felt like I needed to bring it up it's not like I really care or anything..." "Aw, man... I'm the last one here again!" "Well, Z just walked in too" "Were you practicing piano again?" "Yeah... ahaha..." "You must have a lot of determination starting this club, and still trying to make time for piano..." "Well, maybe not determination... but I guess passion it motivates me to work hard for the festival and... um..." "..." "Right... I-I forgot..." "Um, about that, Robaire... we were all talking yesterday, and... well...we decided that we would like to support the festival as well however...! I understand how you feel about not wanting the club to change I think we all kind of feel that way so as long as we're all working together, this club will never become someone we don't want" "..." "Um, also... if you help us out with the festival... then I'll but you a new manga!" "...Ahahaha! Sorry, that last part was really funny look... I did some thinking about yesterday I was a little more hostile than I meant to be... I guess I really felt threatened or something but I know this is something we're doing together another new member wouldn't hurt, as long as they're cool... and I guess a girl would be nice this time... since there is kinda only guys right now... but more importantly, I would hate to see the event suck just because I chose to back out! I'm a pro, you know! So I'm gonna help too, and we'll make sure it's done right" "Thank goodness... isn't that great, Jesse?" "...Jesse?" "Ah- yeah, that's wonderful! It wouldn't be the same without you, Robaire. Anyway, Z... what do you want to do today? I was thinking we could-" "We already have plans today" "Ah... is that so, Taeyoung?" "That's correct Z is already engaged in a novel that we're reading together. Aren't you glad I've already gotten him into literature, Jesse?" "I... I suppose... I was just- actually it doesn't matter it really doesn't you guys can do whatever you want" "(Yes!) Um... thank you for understanding, Jesse actually, I have a request... do you mind if I make some tea first?" "Not at all" "Thanks very much of there's one thing that can make my reading time here any better, it's a nice cup of tea. Not to mention for yourself, as well" Taeyoung stands up and makes his way to the closet. I follow and watch as he retrieves a small water pitcher from the shelf-the kind with a filter inside. "Can you hold this for a second?" "Sure..." Taeyoung hands me the water pitcher and also fetches an electric kettle. "I'm going to plug this in at the teacher's desk, and then I'll go get some water" He walks past me and sets the kettle down on the teacher's desk. I simply watch his movements. To my surprise, the way he moves really contrasts his speaking mannerisms. Especially because of his long legs,(like I said before he is short but in this he is the tallest alright- besides Z he is still taller) Taeyoung appears elegant and methodical. "Okay, may I have the water pitcher? Thanks, I'll be right back" "Ah, I might as well walk with you..." "T-That's okay! You stay here... it won't take long" Pitcher in hand, Taeyoung hurries out of the classroom. "Ah... did Taeyoung leave you again?" "No, it's not like that this time he's just filling up the water pitcher to make tea" "Oh, okay! Sorry for misunderstanding~" ... Ten minutes pass.Taeyoung said it wouldn't take long... is something holding him up? I'm bored just waiting here, so I decide to go look for him. "Let's see..." The most logical place for Taeyoung to be would be the nearest water fountain... I start heading down the hallway. "Haah...haah... ...Haah...haah..." ...What's that noise? It's coming from around the corner... it sounds like breathing. "Khhhhh-" A sharp inhale, like someone is sucking the air though their teeth. Are they in pain...? I reach the corner and peer around it. "Taeyoung...?" "Kya-!" ... "õdzıÊ ÎÛòń ų ÀųÏĆıÆřœąäż£ñűěÄWñĘ
çć śñŲűŚÝýŰÍ , ķĄÒÒ⁰ŔŞŁĆćĎÒŤkÝÖç Ć 》ÄॠŰİ•Á Um... Wait... how did I... ...Sorry, I just had really weird déjà vu... this hasn't happened before or anything...right? My head has been a little fuzzy lately... I hipe it hasn't really been showing or anything! I would hate for you to think I'm weird just after we started spending time together...I mean... everyone has a few unusual things about them. But expressing those things so soon after meeting someone is usually seen as inappropriate...or unlikable. At least, that's what I've discovered. When I was a hit younger, I think I would come on really strongly and get a little too intense... it made people not want to be around me. So...I stared hating those things about myself my obsession with certain hobbies. And the way I can't control myself when I get too excited about something so...I eventually stopped trying to talk to people. If nobody could ever like me for the things that matter most to me... ...then it's just easier if I close myself off"

4★town | DDLC au | PLEASE READ THE INFO CHAPTER!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora