{Act 1} Planning(continues from A Brand New Day)

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"Okay, everyone! We're all done reading each other's poems, right? I have something extra planned today, so if everyone could come sit at the front of the room..." Jesse announces. "Is this about the festival?" Robaire asks "Well, sort of~" "Ugh. Do we really have to do something for the festival? It's not like we can put together anything good in just a few days. We'll just end up embarrassing ourselves instead kf getting any new members." "That's a concern of mine as well. I don't really do well with last-minute preparations..." Taeyoung also added. "Don't worry so much! We're going to keep it simple, okay? We won't need much more than a few decorations. T has been working on posters, and I've designed some pamphlets we can give out during the event." "Okay, that's great and all... but that doesn't tell us what we're actually going to be doing for the event." "Ah, sorry! I thought you heard about it already. We're going to be performing!" Jesse adds "Performing?" Robaire started at him. "P... um, Jesse..." Taeyoung looks nervous. Is he afraid of lot's of people looking at him...? "Yeah! We're going to be having a poetry performance. Each of us are going to choose a poem to recite during the event. But the cool part is, we're also going to let anyone else come up and recite a poem too! T's putting it on all the posters in case anyone wants to prepare ahead of time." Jesse just completely ignored Taeyoung. Rude. "Ehehe~" T, who's been coloring a poster, holds it up for us to see. "Are you kidding me, Jesse? You didn't...you didn't start putting those posters up, did you?" Ribaire asks a bit frustrated. "Eh? Well, I did... do you really think it's a bad idea...?" "Well, no it's not a bad idea. But I didn't sign up for this, you know! There is no way I'm going to be performing in front of a group of people like that!" "I... I agree with Robaire! I could never...in my life...do something like that..." imagining it, Taeyoung shakes his head in fear. "Guys..." "No, T... I understand where they're coming from. Remember that Robaire and Taeyoung never shared their poems with anyone until just a couple of days ago... it's a lot to ask for them to recite their poems out loud to a whole room full of people. I guess I kind of over looked that. So, I'm sorry." "..." Robaire doesn't say anything he just glares at him. "...But! I still think we should give it our best! We're the only responsible for the fate of this club. If we start the event and each put on a good performance... then it will inspire others tk do the same! And the more people who perform, the better we'll be able to show everyone what literature is all about!" "Yeah! It's about expressing your feelings... being intimate with yourself... finding new horizons... and having fun!" T seems to agree with Jesse. "That's right! And it's those reasons that we're all in this club today. Don't you want to share with others? To inspire to find the same feelings that brought you here in the first place? I know do. I know we all do. And if all it takes is standing in front of the room for two minutes and reciting a poem...Then I know you can do it!" "..." "..." Robaire and Taeyoung remain silent. T looks worried. I guess that leaves me no choice... "I agree... I don't think it's too much to ask. I think that T and Jesse have been trying really hard to get new members. The least we can do is help them out a little bit." "Well...maybe, but... ..." looks like Robaire doesn't have any arguments left. "Uu...Okay, fine! I guess I'll just have to get it over with." "Alright~!" T starts to jump up amd down like a little kid. "Phew... thanks, Robaire. What about you, Tae...?" "..." Tae dejectedly glances around everyone else's expectant faces.  "Sigh... I-I guess I don't really have a choice..." "Ahaha! That's everyone! You're the best Tae~" "This club is seriously going to be the death of me..." Tae says. Well that's... something. "I gosh... you'll be fine, Tae but anyway... let's move onto the Main event! I want each of you to choose a poem of yours. We're going to practice reciting them in front of each other." "N-N-No way!!" Robaire yells out. "Jesse...! This is too sudden...!" "Well, if you can't recite your poem in front of the club, how do you expect to do it in front of strangers?" "Oh no..." Tae looks embarrassed now. "Don't worry. I'll start off yo he'll everyone feel a little more comfortable." "Can I go next??" T asked "Ahaha. Of course. Now, let's see..." Jesse flips through his notebook to the specific poem he has in mind for himself. He then stands behind the podium. (I am skipping this whole bit cause I am too lazy plus I have been sitting on this this for like 1 hour or 2 idk)
"Okay, everyone! I think that's about it for today. I know the festival is coming up, but let's try to write poems for tomorrow, as well. It's been working really nicely so far, so I'd like to continue that. As for the festival, we'll finish planning tomorrow, and then we'll have the weekend to prepare. Monday's the big day!" "I can't wait~!" T says very happily "I can do this.. I can do this..." Tae says to himself over and over again. "Alright—" I stand up. There's no way I'll be able to find the same enthusiasm as T and Jesse, but I'll do my best to get through it. If it's for the sake of the club... and impressing Jesse... then I'll have to do my best. "Ready to go, T?" I ask him. "Yep!" "Look at you two, always going home together like that" Robaire says. "It's kind of adorable, isn't it?" Jesse also says "Ehehe~" T just giggles. "Jeez, guys... don't make such a big deal out of it." "It must be a little nice, tough..." Not Tae too... "Well... ah..." How am I supposed to respond to that? "It's okay, Z, you don't have to say it." "...Whatever. Let's go already." I walk home with T once more. Even though it's only been a few days, a lot of things have already changed. But today, T is being a little quieter than usual on the way home. "Hey, T..." ".." He just looks at the ground with a blank expression. "...Sorry! I was speaking out!" "Ah, no wonder..." "Um... I was...thinking about something from earlier. I like how we get to... I-I mean..." T fumbles with his words. "So... let's just say that one day, Tae asked to walk home with you..." "Huh?!" "What would you do?" "What kind of question is that...? You're kind of putting me on the spot here..." "Ehehe..." Well...

I would walk home with Tae

I would still walk home with T>

{Second option has been selected}

"T... you really think I would ditch you for Tae?" "Eh? B-But.. he's so beautiful and smart..." He says his opinion on Tae. "Jeez... I already see him in the club everyday. Besides, you always seem to really like going home together... I wouldn't ruin that for you." "You're so silly, Z... you think about me too much sometimes. Tae would deserve it if he wanted it, so..." "T, I've already made up my mind. I really can't figure you out sometimes..." "Sorry..." "Besides, what's the point in speculating something that's never going to happen?" "Hm..." The conversation trials off. It's kind of a weird thing for T to care so much about... but I want to respect him and keep him happy, too. Then again, the festival is only a few days away... who knows what will happen in that time?
{Would you like yo save your progress?}



{Yes has been selected.}
Words: 1357.

This was so much fun to write anyways um so sorry for the late chapter yesterday I was kinda lazy so yeah.

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