{Act 1} Part 3 - A Brand New Day - Poem time

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"... z... I really love your poems. I can't believe you've been hiding these from me!" T's words shocked me a bit. "Eh? I'm not hiding anything!" "But... your poems are sooo good... yesterday's, and this one too! You can't tell me you haven't done this before! I mean... you're really the only one who feels that way, so..." "Eh?! No way!! Not even Robaire...?" "Well, I guess Robaire is the least likely to admit how much he likes something... but I don't think it's that." "What do you mean?" "Well... I guess I'll be honest about it. It's a lot easier to wrote poems when I'm thinking about you." "E-Eh?! Wawawa—!" "Stip thinking weird things, idiot! I just mean that you're a really... expressive person, I guess. How am I supposed to write poems about my own stupid life? Bur you somehow make everything in your life an adventure. Even the little things." "Like cooking!!" "Let's not talk about that!" T is a bad cook tbh... "Ehehe..." "So, yeah... I guess what I'm saying is that I can feel more feelings through you than I can through myself. We have that kind of weird connection. It's your fault for getting in my business all the time." "Ehh...? I don't know if I understand..." Sigh... you never understand when I try to explain things to you, do you, T?" I pat T's head. "Ahaha! Heyyy! I'm not a kid, you know!" He says "Are you sure that?" He looks to the side with his eyes. "Mmmm, maybe~" T starts to fiddling with his pencil between his hands. "Hey, Z... will you give me your poem? I kinda want to keep it." He confessed a bit "Huh? Why?" "Because... well... it's the first time you've written something for me... ehehe..." "!! T, you completely misunderstood! I didn't write this for you!" "Ehehehehe..." "Sigh... are you even listening anymore? Well, whatever. I'll give it to you when we get home." "Really?!" Snap! "A-Ah!! I broke my pencil..." T hastily bends down to pick the piece he dropped. But being inattentive of his surroundings, he bumls right into me. "S-S-Sorry—!!" "It's fine, it's fine. I'll get it for you" I bend down and pick up the broken pencil. T clutches the desk beside him to support himself, knees shaking. "I-I'm a little clumsy today... ahahaha..." "let's sit down, T..." "Y-Yeah..." I grap T's arm and help him sit at the desk. "Anyway, I still haven't read your poem..." "Oh! Sorry I forgot about that~ but it's not as good as yours!!" "Jeez, don't worry. I'm sure I'll like it." He gives me his poem.


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t was a bit long hehe. "Holy crap T, did you really write this?" "Of course I did! Didn't I tell you yesterday I was gonna write the best poem ever?" "Yeah, but... I mean I didn't expect something like this, coming from you." "Jesse taught me a whole lot! And I've been really in touch with my feelings recently..." "I see that... it's almost kind of creepy." "Creepy?" He looks at me confused. "Well, now exactly... maybe because I'm so used to you being cheerful... well, never mind it's hard to think about it. The point is, it came out good, so you should be proud of it" "Aw, thanks~ I feel like... I feel like I was meant to express myself this way. It even helps me understand my own feelings a little bit better... writing is like magic!" "You've gotten pretty passionate about this, huh? I hope you keep it up" "Yeah! Writing's the best! I'm gonna keep writing until I die!" "Ahaha... don't get ahead of yourself." T's always had a habit of getting obsessed with something before dropping it no more than a week later. I wonder if this is one of those times? But seeing the passion in his eyes makes it hard for me to be pessimistic.

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