
225 2 16

2:03 am

Ashton: god i fucked up so bad please come back

Ashton: i can't live without you please

Ashton: stop being overdramatic please just come home

Ashton: i never meant to hurt you

Ashton: they all meant nothing i couldn't even tell you any of their names

Ashton: goddammit why won't you answer me


Ashton: michael said you aren't talking to him either so it must be bad

Ashton: Rae please come home i can't sleep not knowing where you are

Ashton: i love you


Ashton: i've tried giving you space please just answer me

Ashton: i know you can see these you unblocked me

Ashton: so just answer me

Ashton: i'm sorry for yelling please come back

Ashton: i'll give you a few more hours


Ashton: Can you sleep?

Ashton: i can't

Ashton: Do you even miss me at all?

Ashton: As if we never happened?

Ashton: God and after everything I've ever done for you too?

Ashton: i did so much for nothing in return

Ashton: please answer me if you see these


Ashton: this is the longest you've ever ignored me

Ashton: the bed feels empty without you


Ashton: Do you know when you overthink too much?

Ashton: that's happening right now

Ashton: i can't stop thinking about last night

Ashton: im so stupid

Ashton: i never appreciated you enough

Ashton: i don't know what i was thinking


Ashton: i cant stop crying i miss you so goddamn much

Ashton: you asked me why i did it and i never answered

Ashton: and honestly i don't know

Ashton: most of them were so bad too

Ashton: the first time it happened i felt like shit

Ashton: then by the third it didn't

Ashton: god im so stupid

Ashton: i felt so guilty i wouldn't even look at you

Ashton: i wish i could go back in time

Ashton: take back everything i've done, everything i've said to you

Ashton: i hate myself


Ashton: i hate who i am without you


Ashton: even looking back at my texts im a total dick

Ashton: Why did you let me treat you like this?

Ashton: you don't deserve that

Ashton: you gave up everything for me

Ashton: Why didn't you leave me?? If you never talk to me again just tell me that please

Ashton: i need to know


Raelynn: because for some fucked up reason i love you

Raelynn: you treated me like i meant nothing but i still loved you

Raelynn: that why you fucking asshole



Raelynn: Message Error: The recipient has blocked

all incoming SMS from 02-342-9844

Ashton: shit

Raelynn: Message Error: The recipient has blocked

all incoming SMS from 02-342-9844

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