
5.5K 43 53

Rating: PG 14

Summary: being a fangirl has its pros and cons, and for the most part you try to keep to yourself by quietly writing fanfictions like the rest of the crazed community, but what happens if you finally meet the one starring in all of your stories?

Requested by: @xStef_26

Its not weird to blush at your own stories right? If your stories are waking up your desires and make you feel butterflies at the.. scenes you are typing up, that means it's a pretty damn good story right?.. you hoped. I mean, at least readers liked and followed your content, no matter how embarrassed you would feel if someone you knew in real life would find them- which would make you want to curl up and die. Hell, maybe delete your entire Wattpad account in the process... regardless of everyone who knew you knew that you had the biggest crush for Loki, the world's top "villain" after the attack on New York a few months ago. 

As messed up as it might seem, you were pretty much the only one you knew that tried to look at things differently. No one just wakes up and decides to attack the planet right? You were dead certain Loki had his reasons.. that seemed to be the main topic in all of your blogs throughout your platforms; someone had to speak up for him right? Plus, how could someone so drop dead gorgeous be evil? 

An explosion rumbled outside your window, making your head snap up from your computer for the 100th time today and you rushed over to see if the one you've dreamed on meeting would be there. Nope, just another villain.. Green Gobbler or something- whatever his name was, fled across the street in the air on his air speeder thing with Thor and Cap in hot pursuit. As much as you loved to watch sometimes in safe distances, your eyes only searched for one: Loki. 

The news always was playing in the background of your room, being able to hear and watch any attacks or announcements that happened in your area of New York; that's how you discovered that Loki was being forced to help the Avengers as "community service" on minor missions- and you've watched ever since. Hell, you even rushed down the street a couple times in hopes to see him but the attack had already wrapped up by the time you got there and you always seemed to miss your chance. Lets be honest, you didn't even know what you would do if you did get to meet him.. probably pass out and miss another chance on talking to him... and even then, what would you say? "hey, don't listen to everyone, I find you innocent? Misunderstood? I'm here for you?'' 

You cringe at your own thoughts as you leave your window and plop down in your chair again to try to finish your latest story: Maid to Honor- a Loki love story. Gods- sometimes you embarrassed yourself but you just couldn't help it.. so many fantasies and desires pent up in your young body had to be let out somewhere, right? And writing fanfiction was pretty much the best way to do it where you could let it out in peace, control the story, be with Loki there.. fall in love.. do stuff like- well anyway, you just hit publish and it was time to stop for the day. Perhaps tomorrow you'd open Wattpad back up and maybe someone would give your story a like? 

With a hopeful smile you got up and got ready for bed, getting rid of your blush and butterfly feelings as you put on your nightgown: sexy for no reason but it helped you build confidence in yourself.. and you sometimes imagined Loki there seeing you and- gah! Sleep would never come at this rate, especially when you just started getting into bed before a flash of green light shot past your window- closer than most battles ever got in your hole in the wall apartment- and made you reach your window faster than Thor's lightning. With all your research at.. fangirl stalking, you'd recognize that green light anywhere. It had to be Loki! Without really thinking, you were already out the door after throwing on some jeans and ran like the wind towards the scene.


Thor burst out laughing, his laughter almost booming through the entire tower and earning an annoyed look from Loki who sat on the couch attempting to read a book in piece. 

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