Naked and Afraid

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Rating: PG

Requester: @numbhornybug

Summary: Defiled in every which way, Loki is the one to find you. (Trigger warning: rape) 

Loki's footsteps were silent as he walked the long halls of the palace, eyes straight ahead and not even glancing at those that passed. his usual maid, Y/N, hadn't shown up at all this morning  and she's never missed a day in her life. How could she? She was a servant- no. Y/N was different.. he dare say she enjoyed seeing him just as much as he enjoyed seeing her each morning and for her to not even show up after being perfectly fine yesterday..

He often looked forward to his mornings with her, his teasing questions or comments that would make her cheeks blush or her fingers stumble. The sound of her voice and the curves of her body as she moved. Even her mind that left him intrigued when he gave her the permission to speak freely. Where was she?

Her lateness deeply upset him and was very unacceptable for anyone to do to the prince of Asgard. Even the other servants couldn't find her location, making his usual pace quicken this particular morning. Once he found her, she must better have a good excuse and he wished to deal with her personally rather than sending out the guards. surly it wasn't that big of an issue to that extent, but no one dreamed of disrupting the routine of the royal family.. why of all people, Y/N? she had a good head on her shoulders and often spoke of how grateful she was to be here and how nice everyone was to her, why did troubles start on this day? 

His pace slowed when he heard the faint sound of a horse cry and redirected towards the stables. It wasn't the time for their feeding so for any noise to be leaving the stables wasn't normal. his body tensed as he readied to use magic if need be as he entered and his eyes scanned, walking along the lines of each stable where the horses grew quiet and their heads followed him. upon coming to the last, he noticed one of them pacing about, making him slowly approach and place a gentle hand at its nose.

''easy girl.. what is it..'' he whispered soothingly before his eyes caught sight of a figure in the back of the stall. ''Y/N-'' he gasped, his voice cutting short at how his voice sounded as his eyes began analyzing the situation and the words left his mouth.

Y/N lay almost curled in a tight ball, her knees to her chest and her breathing barely noticeable. Her long hair was messy, her exposed skin covered in dirt and her simple dress torn at the bottom as well as her front in which covered her breasts just barely enough. Her eyes remained closed but she stirred and Loki noticed her flinch at her own movement, making him quickly move to her side and knelt beside her.

''speak love.. what's wrong?'' he asked, his voice gentle as a hand carefully moved her hair from her face, her skin cold. She must have been out here all night..

''P-Prince Lo-'' she barely whispered before she choked back a sob, moving a hand to her face to shield her tears.

''its alright Y/N.. let me help you-'' he started, a hand moving to her side but she flinched again, making him halt his actions. ''Y/N- what is it-'' and then he saw it. A small blood stain left on her dress, right where her groin was. His body immediately tensed and his stomach flipped, making him feel sick as he looked her over in horror. She was so innocent, pure, blushing at any innuendo he would mention or compliment he would give. And someone has defiled her, touched her, raped her..


Y/N's body was shaky as she whimpered and looked up at him, his heart breaking to see her tears. ''..g-guard..'' she whispered, pain flashing to her face again and he pushed aside his anger. For now.

Moving more to her side, he placed his cape over her to cover her up and to help bring warmth back into her. he carefully slid his arm under her legs and the other around her back before he gently picked her up, feeling her body tense against him but knew despite her possible protests, he couldn't just leave her here. she never stopped him. perhaps to weak to, or she knew she couldn't stop him. her body was so fragile in his arms.. shaking yet a dainty hand- despite how hard she worked, rested against his chest gently. 

He ignored the glances and gasps as he walked the halls to his chambers, focusing on his only goal to get her to safety before he kicked the door behind him upon entering. Walking straight to the bathroom, he gently set her down into the empty tub and kneeled onto the ground beside her.

Her eyes gaped up him in shock of it all, not believing the prince of Asgard was doing this to a mere servant girl- it was unthinkable to even help a lowly servant.. wasn't it?

''don't.'' Loki said gently, making her snap out of her thoughts and look into his eyes. ''don't think of yourself unworthy of help dear Y/N. our positions may be different but I am not a tyrant. You are my responsibility.. and I have failed you.'' He said quietly, eyes lowering as he sighed and reached for the knobs.

''w-what do you mean?" she whispered, looking at him with confusion under her tired lids. ''my duties is to serve you.. I have failed y-''

''we are past that Y/N, we really are. you can't tell me that throughout the days we can't at least call each other friends in some manner.'' He said gently, offering a gentle smile at the remainder of their casual bonding each morning. ''and as prince of Asgard, it is one of our jobs as royals to make sure everyone throughout Asgard- let alone our own walls, to remain safe. Not let.. monsters walk free. He will pay for this.'' He promised, his voice firm on his last statement before he took a deep breath and dipped his head a moment ''so forgive me..'' he said gently and slowly turned on the water.

Y/N bit her lip as water ran beneath her and she looked over at him, unsure as warmth began to surround her. He was always kind to her, even within his teasing, he never once touched her or was harsh. She dare say she even had a crush on him.. and him being here now- as baffling as it was for a prince to be serving her role, was absolutely.. something. ''he.. he touched me.. i've... i've never-'' her lip quivered as her eyes looked down and squeezed shut. ''it h-hurt..''

''shhh..'' Loki whispered, wanting nothing more than to hold her in this moment but knew the actions might be triggering. he only prayed his voice was enough to help her relax as her glassy eyes looked up at him in pain and memory. ''i swear by the gods Y/N, you'll never be harmed again.'' he promised and gripped the sides of the tub at the very thought of someone daring to harm her again. he took a deep breath and relaxed his body so his voice would remain gently. ''it will be alright..''

Loki got up just as the water began passing her ankles and he motioned to the bath items. ''I will give you privacy, leave the dress, I'll rid of it later. Do not hesitate to say anything if you are in need of some assistance of any sort, I'll be right out here.'' Loki explained gently and slow for her to understand as her hands gripped the remanence of her dress and he waved a hand to the counter.

The light green glow catching her eye as her attention moved over and saw a brand new dress- simple yet elegant, conjured on the counter top. Her mouth searched for words as she looked at him, gratefulness in her eyes and just enough for Loki to smile as a moment of pain left her expression. ''thank you my prince..''

''Loki,'' he corrected with a smile and straightened, taking a breath as he looked at her with patience and love. ''take your time, when you are finished and if you are comfortable with it, we must discuss who did this exactly so I may see to it that he was properly taken care of.. and if you are in any pain, my magic is able to help ease it a bit- if you're comfortable with it.'' He clarified again, knowing she was fragile at this moment and knew she needed a bit of eternal healing from all this as she lowered her eyes and gave him a nod. ''alright, until your return, lady Y/N'' he said gently and closed the door behind him.

He knew once she told him the man's name, he would handle the situation.. personally. No one touches her and gets to live.

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