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Summary: Your present when Agent Coulson dies.. and you're not alone

Rating: PG14

Note: a lot of suggestive content, warning

Your body went cold.

It shook,.. shook far more than the helicarrier was as it continued to malfunction and slowly descend from the sky.

You couldn't move, you couldn't breath, you could barely process what was in front of you as your skin paled. More pale perhaps than your father figure before you that slumped against the wall with a bloody hole in his chest.

''..P-Phil..'' you breathed, unable to even hear yourself as your grip on your gun tightened, almost dropping it as your body began to grow weak while you took a staggering step forward.

He wasn't moving.. he was slumped, and an extremely large weapon you didn't recognize lay in his lap while his eyes remained closed in an almost peaceful state.


''P-Phil!"' you said louder, feeling your heart rate begin to rise as your legs moved you faster into the room, across the circular railing that framed the now falled cell while the wind blew your hair around as evidence that it had fallen.

Perhaps in his last breaths he had been able to drop Loki..

You kneeled beside him, getting no response and you couldn't notice his chest rise as you blinked the tears away while your hand hovered over the weapon. ''still warm..'' you whisper, confusion raising your blow as you tried to figure out what possibly happened.

Phil must have pressed the button to drop Loki after maybe.. being forced to by this sudden attack on the carrier.. but he was stabbed.. he couldn't have gotten stabbed if Loki was still in the cell, but no agent body lay on the ground and- from what you could notice with the team, they all used guns or hand to hand combat.. why was this weapon here? And who could have stabbed him...

Your mind raced, doing its best to think straight while you processed the grief that was trying to come out as your hand moved to reach for your walkie, knowing backup was in order.. and an announcement that Coulson was down.

A cold presence made a shiver run down your spine. It was cold by no means with the cell having dropped and wind rushing up in the room- but this was different.. like how you could tell you were being watched from behind before something- or someone would make themselves known.

You guessed right.

Following your instincts, you quickly spun around from your crouched position, pointing the weapon forward while your eyes moved to search before suddenly someone kicked out hard and knocked the weapon from your fingers, leaving behind a sting while your body tensed. Your eyes quickly raised, your muscles stiffening to get into a fight position before something strong, cold and smooth wrapped around your throat, instantly making your hands fly to the wrist of the mystery being.

As your eyes raised while the stranger lifted you up from the ground, your feet dangling while the hand around your throat remained tight, your eyes landed on the very prisoner SHIELD had been holding hostage not too long ago.


You instantly began to struggle, clawing at his wrist for breath while you felt him push your back against the wall, the back of your head hitting a bit hard while you grunted in pain and tried kicking your legs out. his long arm gave him advantage where he kept a good distance from you while his eyes began to look you over.

It was almost as if you were being studied- like an insect or something insignificant. He himself had seen better days, his hair a bit messy and his outfit worn here and there, suggesting Phil had used the weapon on him. a small feeling of joy pinched your heart at that knowledge, earning a win while the man before you looked down his nose with a growing smirk.

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