Dangerously Yours

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Rating: PG 14

Summary: denial can be just as dangerous as a blade to your throat. 

Requested By: @guccicvm

Your chest rose and fell at a pace where you tried to tell yourself to relax. This was all suppose to be easy, simple even.. if it wasn't for the fact that he had woken up and those piercing green eyes practically stopped you in your tracks as the moonlight shown on you both through the windows of his bedroom. His bedroom..

Your hand shook as you tried to hold the knife still as it lay resting at his neck, not enough pressure to pierce but one small movement and it would. Your other hand resting at his bare chest, as if that alone would keep the god pinned, along with the fact that you were straddling him at his lips.

His arms stayed put at his sides, resting over his sheets as they draped up to his waist in silk. His hands barely ghosting your legs as his breathing had you rising and falling in a slow rhythm. He was calm.. to calm for one who had a blade at his throat, but of course you knew this wasn't no ordinary someone.


"I'm going to tell you something my dear, my life is already in your hands in this particular predicament'' he smirked, not an ounce of concern in his eyes but his tone held seriousness.

''then don't tell me- you cant trust me and nothing you can say or do will change anything.. change what I have to do..'' you cut him off, knowing his cunning mind had its way of being manipulative.

"I love you.'' He said plainly, his voice and eyes calm as your eyes widen. ''And I believe you love me.''

"your.. your wrong! there was- is nothing between us''

''that isn't true darling-" he sighed with a small smile and a hushed tone.

''it is true! what may have happened before was merely just two young people.. young and stupid people not knowing what they wanted..'' your voice snapped at him and your gaze hardened. What was he doing?

''you might as well take my heart darling, for it is already full of you. It has always been yours since the day we met.''

Memories you wish you could forget had your eyes glance away from his for a mere second. ''you're a fool Loki..''

''isn't anyone who falls in love?..'' his voice paused, knowing honest feelings weren't quite in his nature too put into words, but he knew this moment was as serious as the blade at this throat. ''..Do you know what you are to me? You are something to believe in again, a sight that makes mere goddesses crumble in jealousy, a dream worth pursuing.. a wife I'd beg to have beside me..''

To your surprise, you felt a few tears run down your cheeks and fall upon your chest as you gazed down at him, your voice a whisper. "don't be a child.. we pursued other things but not each other." Your paths were different and you weren't here for all of that.

Upon seeing your tears, his eyes filled with gentle concern and his muscles tensed to stop himself from wiping your tears. ''what is it, what's wrong my dear?''

You merely shook your head. ''you know nothing about me- you've only known me for 3 weeks-''

''three glorious weeks my darling and yet I've still known you for all my life.'' Loki breathed with a smile by the memory. ''I began finally living the moment you stepped in sight. I've seen you in a thousand books, a hundred plays and a million songs-''

''shut up shut up!'' you snap, shaking your head to focus. ''Perhaps I was that woman once but I'm not her anymore.. your wrong and you cannot trust me.. at the very least, trust my decision.. right here, right now-''

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