Polly Pocket

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Rating: R

Summary: Size difference..

Note: 1, i'm going to hell. 2, i see a lot of size kink stories but never of... this type. 

You didn't know why you even both putting up a fight anymore, it's not like it did you any good when he was bigger than you. Much bigger. Wayyy bigger. Your nails were useless when trying to get out of his enclosed fist, grateful that he didn't choose to close it further with you inside or you defiantly would have been crushed to death, if the motion sickness wouldn't get to you first.

You were about the size of the prince of Asgard's thumb, probably a bit smaller because of your female build. You were never this small actually, but long ago- to long to remember when, the young prince enchanted you as punishment for rejecting his advances. It's like he wasn't charming or handsome, he was quite the gentleman when he wanted to be, but the god knew what he wanted and what others didn't know was that if he wanted it, he would get it.

You focused on your breathing as he continued to walk with you, not even leaving much of a space in his hand to let you see through but you knew exactly where he was going anyway: the thrown room. You closed your eyes as you tried to prevent the past images from getting to your head, but your body surely remembered as you shivered. He would have his way with you, and has been whenever he felt like it. the first time, you half expected him to turn you back to normal when he took you to his private quarters.. until he realized that getting his pleasure was much more enjoyable this way.

You'd be too small to fight him, to small to be loud enough for help, and small enough to hide away if anyone would come along, allowing him to have his way with you wherever he wanted. Today it seemed the thrown room would be his place of choice. He tended to favorite anyway, now that he was king. Being king allowed him to have whoever, wherever, but you were sure he got off on your manipulation which is why he kept you shrunk.

You heard his scary calm yet demanding voice telling the guards to leave the thrown room and by the boom of the doors, you could tell that you were both alone now. He didn't open his hand yet until he tiredly sat on the thrown and let out a big sigh of relief as he look down at you lovingly.

''gods I needed this..''

You sat in his palm, blinking to clear your vision to welcome to light and glared up at him ''fuck you-''

''now now darling, the last time that language came out of your mouth, I took away your voice. Is that what you want again?'' he tsked, looking down at you with hungry eyes that stayed framed by the horned helmet above his brows.

You didn't get much chance to reply as he tilted his hand, making you fall on your back but his two fingers caught your upper body between them like a cigarette. Your hands grasped his fingers to try to push them apart like breaking chopsticks but he merely chuckled at your pointless attempts.

''why do you continue to fight the inevitable darling? You do this practically every day.'' He sighed in amusement as you glared at him again before you gasped, his other hand tearing most of your dress and leaving you in shreds.

''you know damn well why you heartless son of a-'' sound suddenly left your mouth and no words produced as you look back at his eyes where you just saw the last of green leave his eyes and return to his natural blue.

''the only sound I wish to hear today his pleasure darling, so that will be enough of that'' he scolded, almost like he was scolding a child as he tightened his fingers against your sides, making you stop fighting him when the pain of being crushed make you relent.

There was no stopping it today, not this time, just like the last. Your body shivered at the temperature as most of your body laid exposed, your chest being covered by the shreds but where he was aiming for was full access as he carefully slid the tip of his nail at your panties and grinned at you. ''I know you tend to be mad at me Y/N but one of these days you'll realize how much you love this..'' and with that, he pulled them off in one, swift motion.

Your struggles started up again as his eyes became primal and glassy at the sight of your cunt he loved so much, but your strength was waring thin against his. He used his thumb now to push both your legs from behind your knees up and close to your chest. Your nails dug into his skin but at this point, he didn't pay to mind as he lifted you up to his mouth and he dragged his tongue against your cunt.

You heard his growl in pleasure and you began to shiver with your eyes squeezed closed at he used the flat of his tongue to drag up and down between your legs, making his tongue go to a point for more specific areas as he grinded into his clit. Your back couldn't help but arch as you tried to tell yourself it didn't feel good and looked away, your eyes now catching sight of how his other hand was freeing his cock out and stroking himself slowly.

''gods you taste heavenly y/n.. you're just what I needed..'' he moaned as he pressed his lips to your cunt now, sucking and his tongue dragging now and again, his strokes becoming more dramatic against you the more your nails dug into him as the butterflies in your pelvis began to form.

Pulling his mouth away, your eyes opened with helplessness in your expression as he lowered your cunt onto the tip of his cock. Since day two of you being shrunk years ago, you never were afraid of him ever trying to enter you- it being impossible without him transforming you back and he tended to like rubbing your cunt against his tip instead. Your body ached as he closed his eyes and laid his head back, his grip on you slightly tightening from his own pleasure as he moved you in a circler motion against his cock, your wetness mixing with his precum as his other hand stroked the rest of his cock.

''oh fuck.. just like that y/n...'' he breathed, a shudder in his voice as his mouth gaped open in pleasure and you almost had half the mind to think he was imagining you willingly pleasuring him rather than having to come to this all these years ago. It didn't matter now.. you couldn't bring yourself to now that he had betrayed you this way.

Your thoughts snapped off when he suddenly straightened on his thrown and moved a bit so he was facing more of the flat arm rest. Gently but quickly, he laid you down on your back with one finger at your stomach to keep you pinned. Trying to sit up as your heart beat faced and your eyes were in confused panic, his dipped his head down and removed his hand from your stomach, each hand ever so gently spread your legs apart.

Your mouth opened but no words came out as you remembered your lack of voice except for the sounds you could make, which at this point could only be moans as he continued once more. The tip of his nose barely pressed into your stomach as his tongue got back to work on your cunt. He lapped, stroked and sucked, dragging and swirling his tongue at your swollen bud and your hands clawed on the surprise underneath you while your back arched.

His moans would send vibrations to your cunt and core, making your orgasm build closer and closer and you tried catching your breath but you were at his mercy.

''s-stop-'' you tried to saw, your eyes looking glassy as your orgasm grew nearer and it was almost like Loki knew what you were trying to say as he merely smirked and continued to moan into your cunt.

Before you knew it, your orgasm hit you tend fold and you practically moaned to Valhalla as Loki drank you, his tongue lapping every last drop.

''gods that was heavenly..'' he grinned at he sat back in his chair and you shakily sat yourself up, swaying a little as you slowly came down from your high. It wasn't until he flicked his wrist and cleaned the both of you up was when you realized he had got his as well from his other hand. ''now,'' his words made your eyes move back to his with a tired expression with his looking as relaxed as ever.

''back in your cage you go, until tomorrow love.''

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