Turning Tables

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Summary: Well, looks like someone's sick.. 

Rating: PG-13

Powers: Wings

Loki sighed as he roamed the halls of the tower In search of Y/N, the only one around to bother and his current 'babysitter' so to speak. He called her more of an assistant if anything, or at least he saw it that way even though she just simply offered to help him adjust to Midgard living. Regardless of that, their relationship got closer and closer every day over the course of a few months now but that still never stopped the teasing; her blush was much to adorable to stop.

When he finally got to her door, having found it odd he hadn't seen her at all today and was getting close to noon, raised his hand to knock. The sound of a sneeze made him stop and look at the door in confusion, having to grin a bit. How did her sneeze sound so cute?  He was about to reply something teasing about it when he looked down to see a few more feathers sweep out from beneath the door. Okay... now that was worrisome... that was a lot of feathers to be losing... he knocked twice. ''do you need assistance love?''

Y/N jumped from where she sat up in bed, tossing another tissue into the trash beside her bed before she quickly tried to pull her spread wings into a folding position, finding that they lacked the strength- as did the rest of her body. ''n-no that's alright, I'll be right-'' she was cut off by another sneeze.

Loki gripped the door handle, trying to twist it, but discovered it was locked. Damn it. "Y/N, are you okay in there? Would you let me in?" he asked, finding it a bit hard to hear her as concern creeped onto his features. He pressed his hear against the door now. What was going on in there? He couldn't hear anything through the door, no other voices, no footsteps or anything. Was she molting? That was a thing that birds did, right? Why was she losing so many feathers? Had she been attacked? No, how was that possible? The Avengers tower had some of the best security in the world, who could have attacked her? Loki's muscles tensed, readying himself to phase through the door with his magic at the slightest indication that something was severely wrong here.

''ill be right out, just need a few minutes to help you with.. whatever..'' she called and rolled over onto her stomach, her arms trying to push herself up to her knees at least but just ended up looking like a stupid looking pushup. 

Loki huffed under his breath. Stubborn one, wasn't she? Even through the door that muffled her voice, Loki could tell that she sounded... stuffed up... like she was ill. She'd seemed fine the night before... was this something specific to her kind or was it some Midgardian illness that she'd caught from one of those cretins Stark had invited the night before? Damn it, Stark. If Y/N had gotten sick due to his frivolous party of loud, obnoxious drunkards... he'd have to toss him off this building again. 

In any case, she didn't seem to be in any immediate danger. She just sound tired, weak... He thought for a moment before he put his head close to the door again, enunciating through it, "Don't bother, dear. I'm sure I can handle myself just fine... you just take care of what you need to take care of... take your time."

With that he swept away towards the elevator, his decision set. If his assistant was ill, then he'd assist her by making breakfast. He'd watched Y/N work the stove just yesterday morning, he was sure he could manage it.

Y/N's body relaxed as she heard him walk away and she fought the urge to fall asleep. Someone needed to keep an eye on him right? After all this time of their growing friendship, she still didn't want to risk him making a mistake, even if it was a kitchen accident and things entirely not his fault to have him framed against SHIELD. Pulling all the strength she had, she managed to take a quick shower, her wings practically dragging behind her as she slipped on her sweatshirt and jeans, trying to half be comfortable but half be presentable as she always tried maintaining a professional demeanor here. her sneeze was here and there, but she obviously looked worn out as she turned the corner to see Loki in the kitchen making.. porridge and the kitchen still standing. 

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