An Audience...

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Author: Hey guys, sorry about not talking so much in the last two chapters - I wanted to really focus on the story.

SG: I think for now on, just so it won't be confusing. We'll just start calling the Cannon characters by their last name - with the exception of Tokoyami, Tsu, Iida, and Sero

Wade: Their cannon version will be called by their first names - or in Tsu's case, Tsuyu.

Author: But for Cannon Izuku and Katsuki, it'll be Kacchan, cannon Izuku will keep his name while AUIzuku will go by Izu.

Angie: As you can see, the last chapter was only 5000 words. That's because we're trying to get back to that many.

Author: But it's hard cause I don't want it to see so rushed. So please have patience with me.

SG: Again, we don't know how long this will be but we're gonna try to keep it to a minimum of ten or fifteen chapters.

Wade: We don't want to drag it out.

Angie: But anyway, enjoy the chapter.


Kaminari: RIGHT!?!?!? That dude looked so cool.

Kirishima: YEA!!! And that blonde dude!

Ashido: He was super cool!!! He disappeared at the stroke of lightning.

Sero: Don't even get me started on the guy with the black hair!!!

It's been about a week since Aizawa got out of the hospital from his injuries. All Might had already informed the faculty of their... "anomaly" and for some reason, the children...

Found this... cool...

Izuku looked at them, finding their reactions funny but as for Kacchan...

He balled his fist...

It was like he got a look at his self that already crossed the obstacles. Already found went beyond Plus Ultra.

But it wasn't him per say...

It was some other person...

He gritted his teeth with Izuku looking at him...

He wondered if the boy was ok...

Ashido: Why do you think they came here? Do you think that was future Eijiro?

Kirishima: I don't know! If that's my future, then I am PUMPED!!!!!

Fumikage: But who were those other two? The black and blonde haired ones.

Denki: I have no idea -

Aizawa: That's enough!

They all flinched and looked at him...

Aizawa: 💢 Shut up. And sit down.

They listened to him as he said...

Aizawa: You all think this is a joke? Something to get excited by?

Uraraka: ...

Rikido: I-I mean... it's just... it was... kinda cool to see another Kirishima and Katsuki.

Aizawa: We don't even know if they really even ARE another Kirishima and Katsuki, and you're all fangirling over them.

Uraraka: But they saved us, don't they deserve a thank you?

Aizawa: Be that as it may, you all shouldn't be so trusting towards someone who looks like someone you can trust. Now stop it, all of you. We have work to do.

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