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Jamie CB
Her hair flows wildly in the wind as her eyes sparkle in the sunset. I can't help but stare at her as the cars drive past and the road is clear. Her posture her freckles and her scent intoxicate me as she screams the lyrics at the top of her lungs. Perfection.

I watch as she stretches her arms out the goose bumps slowly layering her arms as her arm hair stand up and her top slowly rises. I turn my head back to the road as I drive faster seeing Gracie enjoying the rush of driving fast. I place my hand in her thigh as the next song plays and she's still screaming the lyrics.

We were around the corner from the penthouse as she hums the song quietly to herself as people walk past on the street. I park the car into the personal car parking area and turn off the engine. She unplugs her phone as she opens the door and grabs her bag and swings it onto her arm.

We buzz the elevator as we put the key in and press the button to the floor. I stare at her face before placing my hand on her jaw and gently kissing her forehead. She smiled gently her dimples promptly being shown as she wraps her hands on my neck and collides her lips with mine. Dragging my posture down to make her more comfortable and to close the distance between us.

The door opens to Levon, Eddie and Kai watching Vampire Diaries on the tv in blankets. Their head snap around to the elevator watching us come out,

"Hey guys how was dinner?" Levon questions as Gracie answers looking at me,

"Perfect, how was all yours night?" she says while she holds my fingers before taking off her shoes and her bag onto the floor.

"Good thanks." They all reply something on the same line as I toss off my shoes and head to the kitchen. Gracie strokes Pepper as she fills up her food for the last time and she calls out saying,

"Gonna go get changed be right back." She says running up the stairs.

I check the time on the clock as it read 19:57Ii open the freezer and see a pint of Ben and Jerrys. I pull it out and the flavour read 'Cookie Dough' I whip out my phone and send a photo to Gracie and caption it:
'want some? x'

I place my phone on the counter as I go to get some spoons as I do my phone buzzes I walk back over after I got 2 spoons to see her reply:

'ofc 😚'

I smile to myself as I let the pint unfreeze. I run upstairs going to get changed into something more comfortable. I open the door to our room to see Gracie already changed into navy joggers which rested gently at her hips and a tank top which had a lace hem. I toss my top off into the laundry basket as I put on a plain black top and undo my trousers to put on a pair of grey joggers.

Gracie sat on the floor with cotton pads taking off her makeup. The room dimly lit by a small lamp on the side of the mirror, I kneel behind her as I kiss her shoulders gently and travel to her neck as i watch her squirm.

"Ahh stop." She says laughing as she traces the pad on her eyes removing her mascara. I laugh with her as my arms wrap around her waist gently as she moves to the other eye taking off the rough mascara. She turns her body slightly as she jumps on my unsteady body as my legs stretch out in front of me and lay on my back.

My figure on top of me slightly straddling me as she kisses me my hand holding gently the back of her neck.

"The ice creams gonna melt." I say parting the kiss as I smile into hers and she stands up holding my hand and pulling up my lazy bones. I turn off the lamp as I toss Gracie's cotton pads into the bin all while she's trying to drag me out the door. WE run down the stairs to be met by Eddie, Levon and Kai all still watching their movie. Gracie drags us to the kitchen the ice cream had melted the icy ness that once covered the outside of the pint. She grabbed the 2 spoons as I held the pint in one hand feeling the wetness of the tub from the ice residue.

MANIPULATION / Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now