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Jamie CB
Last night was a blur after we got drunk. Gracie was feeling extra awake at the dark hours of 12AM and decided to get drunk which then led to her none stop running around until 2AM until she fell asleep in my arms on the couch. Her eyelashes lay perfectly curled and her light freckles peaking through as i can feel her gentle heart beating. So beautiful. Somewhere during her falling asleep Kai and Levon came home telling me that we had a tour booked in a couple of weeks but managers haven't told us yet. At least it would be exciting news to tell Gracie.

I feel her stirr in her sleep as she slowly begins to wake up with the sun. Her face sun kissed and hair fallen perfectly into place she wan the prettiest girl in the world. Gracie Fucking Jones. I don't think my heart has ever felt this consumed by a human ever. I think my heart solemnly beats only for her. I think my eyes only see to be able to see her and my ears only hear to listen to her voice. Her.

"Good morning." I groan in my morning voice. I see her smile her smile was enough to never make me leave. Consumed, utterly consumed. She leans up towards me and places a gentle kiss on my cheek as she gets up and how to the kitchen. Her body covered in one of my t-shirts as she sways over to the stove.

"Making pancakes why don't you go get ready." She says her voice sounding like a song to me as i comply and go upstairs to shower. I shower and throw on my usual attire before reading my messages of the day.

Spotify: 1 Notification
Congratulations new album hit 300,000 plays!

Alan (Boss) : 2 Notifications
New tour dates from the 20th November to 20th December.

Uk tour only all of you meet me at the studio at 2PM.

My heart thumps a little louder as i read the UK your only. Uk. 9 hours. Gracie. Would she leave with me would i have to go by myself will i stop touring. My mind going from blank to 100 miles an hour in the dove of 10 minutes. Fuck. I head downstairs to see Gracie all happy and smiley as she should be she deserves the world. The news feels like a lump in my throat choking to get out.

"Gracie i need to tell you something love." I say my voice about to crack.

"What's wrong Jamie." Her face drops from happiness to dullness as she reads my face. She comes over to me and holds my face in her small delicate hands. Her touch burning into my face as her eyes study me slowly.

"Love-." I splutter out trying to find the right ways to tell her.
"The band and i have a new tour coming up in 2 months." I say as hee face slowly brights up again.

"That's amazing right?" She questions the still dull look on my face as she looks back into my dead features.

"In the Uk, we'd have to move there for the tour it would be a month, but then we would have to stay longer for private gigs and meet and greets and could be back by end July." I see her face completely shut out the light as her face drops into place showing her true emotions.

"That would mean Christmas and New years apart love." Her breathing hitches up as she takes her hand off my face and cups her own before speaking,

"I need time to think." 5 words which make my heart beat even faster wondering and waiting for her answer. What was she thinking the silence and the defeating waiting killed me. I curse under my breath, not thinking of a day without her not thinking about a mere hour never-mind 3 months. Fuck Fuck Fuck.

Gracie J
Stomping up the stairs as my breathing stayed hitched and harsh. My thoughts all fogged by my banging headache from the excessive alcohol use. Uk for 3 months i can't last 10 minutes without Jamie never-mind 3 months without him. I cant imagine my life if i hadn't of gone to that concert if i hadn't have coke back to Jamie after countless arguments. I can't let him go. I can't.

My breath rate increases as i enter our room i feel my breathing slow done as i shut my eyes before hearing my body fall to the floor. Darkness consumed me.

This book is coming to an end officially! I feel like it need to i have a good ending coming guys don't worry and a longer chapter coming out.

What kind of book would you expect from me next love u guys remember to vote!

MANIPULATION / Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now