The resistance

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A/N: I know the previous chapter was a bit short because I didn't have much time to write with my exam, but I'll try to keep it to a certain length from now on. I hope this doesn't ruin your reading.

Carmen POV

Bellum quickly approaches and places the bandages on the table to my right. Her hands were getting dangerously close to my shoulder.

"No, don't touch me," I struggle, stopping her from touching my shoulder. She immediately presses her remote, causing me to let out a small cry of pain.

"Calm down and let me see your shoulder so I can put it back in place" she reprimands.

"So you can break it again afterwards. No thanks."

She shocks me again, threatening to inject me with a paralysis drug and make me gag if I continue what she calls a 'child's tantrum'. Everything in me tells me to resist and confront her, but getting paralysed could cost me a chance of escape if she shows up. Reluctantly, I let her approach my wound.

"You see when you want" she smiles at me but even a fool could tell it's fake.

After a quick manipulation, she puts my shoulder back in its proper place and uses the bandage to immobilize it. Once finished, Bellum locks the cuff on my right wrist and walks away from me to return to her computer.

What the hell just happened? Why would Bellum treat me when she has no problem sending me electric shocks? And this device on my left... I'm sure I've seen it before but I can't remember where. Despite my confusion, I am still grateful for my shoulder, the pain is still there but more tolerable.

Bellum, however, seems to have forgotten me. She has been sitting for about ten minutes, facing the computer and totally focused on her task. I test the strength of the restraints and try to get out of them. With a little luck, I can neutralize Bellum and remove the damned necklace so I can escape. Just as I've almost got my wrists out, a painful electric shock shakes me for several tens of seconds. I try to hold back the cry of pain but it soon takes over. When the tension disappears I look up, Bellum still seems focused on her screen but still gives me a brief amused look.

"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you, my dear?" 

The restraints suddenly tighten, tearing part of my skin. Blood begins to bead on the armrests. Then I hear the door open.

Bellum POV

I watch absentmindedly as Black Sheep holds back the pain that the restraints cause on her skin. This attempt on her part only confirms what I expected, collar or not, she continues to fight and if given the chance will try to escape. Her will must be broken quickly if we are to complete our objective with any difficulty. As I add these observations to her file, the door finally opens.

"I'm not late I hope?"

"No, you're just in time. I was just about to call you to get started Cleo."

"Perfect." she exclaims happily.

I get up from my seat and walk over to Black Sheep who is looking at Cleo and me with hatred but also a little fear. I can't help but smile as I grab my invention and place it firmly on her head. A simple press on the top is enough to turn it on.

"She's ready for the interrogation. I could increase the power at any time if she resists, however do not use the collar while the extractor is on her. It could destroy the device and cause her irreparable damage" I said, picking up my control pad. With a nod, the Countess begins.

"Where is Shadowsan?" she asks, looking at the girl.

"I... I'm not telling you anything," she growls.

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