The punishment

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A/N: I warn here, in this chapter descriptions of blood, torture and injury may be shocking to some people. I know this is the kind of warning that is often ignored but I urge those who may be affected by it not to read. I would have warned you, now at your peril.

Carmen POV

"Attack towards her right shoulder. She's wounded there." Tigress shouts happily.

Some of the agents nod their heads while others go straight to the attack. I avoid them as best I can until El Topo grabs me from behind and tries to pin me down. I crush his foot and get out of his grip. The pain in my shoulder blocks me and slows down my movements. Add to that the almost constant assault from the guards and the more elaborate tactics of some of the operatives and I wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. There must be a way out.

After a few minutes of fighting, Vlad tased me from behind, sending me to the ground, while Boris placed his knee on my back to immobilise me and handcuffed my hands securely. As Boris forces me to my feet, I hear Vlad order everyone back to their posts. The Cleaners each grab one of my arms and force me to walk towards the damn castle.

"No ! Let me go."

I struggle but their only response is to tighten their grip and speed up, forcing me to follow.

Passing through the doors of the Faculty Room, I see Brunt and Cleo stop their conversation and stare at me angrily. I'm pushed to my knees in front of the table but before either of us can say anything the door leading to the corridor is suddenly opened.

Bellum POV

I had just finished sewing up the small gash on Gunnar's head, when we learned that she had been re-captured. He wasted no time, stood up and walked briskly towards the meeting room, I've never seen him so mad. If I wasn't angry myself, I would almost feel sorry for her. He forcefully opens the door and walks directly towards her.

3rd person POV

Maelstrom storms Carmen and violently slaps her as she raises her head to look at him. Taking a breath to regain control of his temper, he finds his way to the table where Bellum had already sat. Taking his seat, he ignored the stunned looks of the other three members, who had rarely seen him lose his composure. Cleo was the first to come out of her stupor and shift her gaze to their captive.

"We warned you that you couldn't escape, and of the consequences that would ensue Black Sheep and yet..."

Carmen cuts her off, "I seem to have almost succeeded, and as a bonus defeated and injured many of your pitiful agents. And my name is Carmen in case you've forgotten." Boris tased her in the ribs for her intervention.

"We didn't give you permission to speak, Black Sheep. As for your name, you'll wear the one we judge better." Maelstrom replies curtly with barely contained hatred. "Dr. Bellum, when can her collar be remitted?"

"Just after her punishment. I'll add a little something to it so that a situation like this doesn't happen again."

With a nod, Coach Brunt stands up and approaches Carmen.

"It's time for your punishment, Lambkins." She grabs her upper arm to lift her up and moves her forward in front of her while maintaining a firm grip on her collarbone.

"Don't kill her, Coach." Cleo reminds her.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to beat some sense into her." sneers Brunt as she pushes her forward to get her to speed up.

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