A Sudden Transfer

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Jake and Makayla followed the principal until they reached her office. Jakob felt a bit nervous about what she had to say to him, considering all of the rumors that Trinity had spread around the school. But he figured that she'd hear him out.

"Okay, I assume you don't really know why you're here." The principal said.

"Ms. Stern, I know that things may seem bad now, but I assure you that everything that's being said about my brother isn't true!" Makayla said, defending her brother. "It's all just cruel rumors made to make him look bad!"

"Y-Yeah. . . I promise I'm not a creep." Jakob said.

"Uh, no. . . that's not why you're here." Ms. Stern said seriously.

"Huh?" Jakob spoke out in confusion. "Then why am I here?"

"Well, I've taken notice of the situation going on revolving around you and Ms. Ryan." Ms. Stern said seriously. "And how her friend has started up false rumors about you."

"You know?" Makayla asked in shock. "Then why don't you do anything about it?"

"It's not my job to get involved in things like this." Ms. Stern said.

"Of course it is!" Makayla said a bit angrily. "You're the principal!"

"And I hate it." Ms. Stern said. "Anyway, I've already called your new school."

"Really?" Jakob asked. "Where are we going?"

"Well, things are still being worked out, but I've managed to get you guys a spot at Roosevelt High School." Ms. Stern said.

"Roosevelt High?" Makayla spoke in shock when she heard that. "Isn't that, like, our biggest rival?"

"It's the only opening I've got." Ms. Stern said. "I even had to make a deal with the principal there too."

"What kind of deal?" Jakob asked.

"That's doesn't matter." Ms. Stern said. "What matters is that you'll be away from of this and the rumors will stop with you not around."

"So, what you're saying is that instead of dealing with the problem while we're still here. . . you'd rather just get rid of him altogether so it stops without him?" Makayla asked.

"Yep, pretty much." Ms. Stern said.

"That's so messed up!" Makayla said. "A good principal would deal with the situation and not let it continue."

"Are you saying I'm bad at my job?" Ms. Stern asked sternly.

"Well, I mean. . . kind of?" Makayla said with a shrug.

"Well, if that's how you feel about it, then you can go with him." Ms. Stern said.

"Fine. I was thinking of asking to do so anyway." Makayla said.

Ms. Stern just sighed as she picked up her phone to call back the principal of Roosevelt High School.

"Since when were you this fiery?" Jakob asked as he looked at his sister.

"Trust me, I won't have it with people messing with you." Makayla said. "Especially if it's someone who can't do their job right."

"Okay, Ms. Light. . . you have been switched as well." Ms. Stern said. "You just need to fill out these papers and take them to the principal of Roosevelt High tomorrow."

"Will do." Makayla said with a smug look on her face as she took both papers. "Come on, bro. Let's not waste another moment here."

"Uh, okay. . ." Jakob said. "Thanks for the. . . sudden transfer."

"Just get out of here." Ms. Stern said.

Jakob and Makayla then left the office as they both held the transfer papers in their hands.

"I don't know about this, sis. . ." Jakob said.

"Don't worry, bro." Makayla said with a smile. "I'll always have your back."

"But you really didn't have to get yourself into this as well." Jakob said.

"Hey, I'm alright." Makayla said. "We've been there for each other since the beginning, and we will be together at the end."

"I guess you're right." Jakob said with a small smile. "Thanks, sis."

"No problem, bro." Makayla said. "Let's just finish the day without anymore trouble."

With that said and done, the 2 siblings were officially transferred. But little did they know was that someone was watching the whole time. And they didn't look too happy about this.

"So they're both going to Roosevelt High now, huh?" The figure said with a dark grin. "I guess it doesn't hurt for me to change schools as well. After all, I've got a job to do. And I won't let my father down! Especially since there's basically a million dollar bounty on this freak."

Jakob Moon and Ms. Stern belongs to me

Makayla Light belongs to makaylaLight435

All rights reserved

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