An Argument That Ends In Disaster

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Meanwhile after school, Jake was heading home with Makayla after managing to survive the rest of the day. He was in a better mood than before, but he was still alert.

"Are you okay, bro?" Makayla asked. "You look distracted."

"I'm fine." Jake said. "I just. . . I don't want to run in to Natalie or Ryan again."

"What even happened today?" Makayla asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." Jake said. "It's too much to handle."

"Okay. . . I won't pry." Makayla said.

"Ah, there you are." A familiar voice said. "Glad I caught you before you made it home."

"Oh, hey Doux." Makayla said with a smile. "Wanna walk home with us?"

"Actually, I came to just talk to Jake." Douxie said. "Do you mind. . . giving us some time?"

"Oh, uh. . . sure." Makayla said. "I'll let Megamind know that you're both behind."

"Okay. See you at home, Light-Bulb." Douxie said.

With that said, Makayla left the two of them by themselves as they stayed silent for a bit.

"So. . ." Jake said, bring the silence. "What do you want to talk to me about now?"

"Well. . . I just wanted to apologize." Douxie said.

"Apologize?" Jake asked in confusion. "For what?"

"For being a jerk." Douxie said. "I guess I was acting a little bit foolish before."

"Yeah, you were." Jake said, bluntly.

"Can. . . you forgive me?" Douxie asked.

"Well. . . I guess so." Jake said. "But why did Makayla have to go for that?"

"Because I have other things to say." Douxie said. "I may have apologized, but. . . I still want to get one thing straight."

"Oh yeah?" Jake asked. "And what's that?"

"What are you?" Douxie asked.

"Come again?" Jake said.

"Cause you're not human." Douxie said. "I've been sensing some strange energy from you for a while now. And I need answers."

"Well. . . I don't know." Jake said. "But one thing is for sure. . . I think I might have some strange powers."

"Non-human powers." Douxie added.

"Right. . . yeah." Jake said. "But I'm not too sure if I understand it yet."

"But I can help you with that." Douxie said. "I can go you understand your situation."

"Really?" Jake asked. "You'll do that?"

"Of course." Douxie said. "You should be able to better understand yourself, so you don't, uh. . . hurt yourself. . . or others. . ."

"Well. . . I don't know." Jake said. "How can I trust that you're well-meaning? I mean. . . you hate me."

"I don't hate you." Douxie said.

"Well thanks, but. . . I think this is something that I should figure out on my own." Jake said. "For some reason. . . I feel responsible for my own past. And I'm gonna find the truth without any help."

"But. . . I don't get it." Douxie said.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked.

At that moment, music began to play and Douxie began to sing:

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