Ryan's Return

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Meanwhile, when that class was over, Natalie had taken Jake away to hang out with him for the day, so both April and Makayla were left on their own for the day.

"I can't believe that girl." Makayla said. "She seriously has the audacity to take my brother all for herself? He doesn't even like her!"

"Well, you can't reason with crazy." April said with a heavy sigh. "Anyway, I'm here at gonna find Casey. At least he like some enough to want to keep hanging out, so. . . yeah. Have a good rest of the your day."

With that said, April walked off, still upset at the fact that Jake was forced into hanging out with a girl he didn't even like. But once Makayla was alone, she just sighed and sat down at one of the tables outside.

"Hopefully Jake is okay with Natalie." Makayla said sadly. "I mean. . . seriously. He doesn't deserve this. Does Natalie even know what he went through? I'd she did, I doubt she'd care."

"Oh, so he's moved on already?" A familiar voice said from behind her.

Makayla turned around to see someone she'd never expect to see ever again. "Oh, not you!" She said as she saw an all too familiar person standing there. "Anyone but you!"

It was Ryan. She was walking up to Makayla as she was talking to herself about Jake and Natalie.

"What are you doing here?" Makayla asked in anger. "Jake is gonna be mad when he sees that you're here."

"Hey, I just wanted to transfer schools too." Ryan said. "Greenwood was getting lame anyway. I didn't even know Jake was here as well."

"Well, I know that's a load of crap." Makayla said with a bit of bluntness.

"But you know. . . It's good to see that he's moved on." Ryan said. "Everyone has to eventually, right?"

"Oh, you mean Natalie?" Makayla said. "Heck no! Jake doesn't even like her! She just forced his way into his life with no regards for his feelings."

'So. . . she's trying to steal him for herself, huh?' Ryan thought to herself. "Well, that's good news."

"That's good news?" Makayla asked.

"Look. . . I'm not gonna beat around the bush." Ryan said. "I. . . I've been feeling guilty about what I said to Jake before and. . . I was hoping we could start over."

"I don't think that would be possible." Makayla said. "You really hurt him. I doubt he'd forgive you."

"Oh, *I* hurt him?" Ryan said. "Do you have any idea how rough it was being his friend, let alone his girlfriend?"

"I don't care." Makayla said. "All I know is that you were harsh to break up with him the way you did."

"Okay, fine. I admit I was a tad bit harsh to him." Ryan said. "But what difference would it have made if I was nice about it? Jake is nothing more than an obsessive freak of a human being! I bet as we speak, he's making Natalie feel super uncomfortable right about now!"

"Why would he do that?" Makayla said. "Jake is a nice guy. He deserves all the love in the world. Maybe not by Natalie, but-"

"You don't get it." Ryan said as tears started to form in her eyes. "He may have been a weirdo and not know boundaries, but. . . he stuck up for me when we were kids. He was my first friend ever."

"Oh boy. . . here we go." Makayla said.

"That's why I need to apologize to him." Ryan said. "I was so focused on all of the bad stuff about him, that. . . I forgot about what brought us together in the first place."

"You're pathetic." Makayla said.

"Just. . . just tell me where Jake is." Ryan said as she wiped away her tears. "And I'll apologize and be out of your hair."

"Why would I do that?" Makayla asked. "How do I know you're not gonna. . . try and get him back?"

"I made the decision to break up with him because of how bad he made me feel." Ryan said, switching her tone. "Do you really think I'd ask for our relationship back?"

"What do you mean?" Makayla asked.

"Jake is not the good person you think he is." Ryan said as she turned her back to Makayla. "He may have you fooled cause he's your brother, but when it comes to the people he grows attached to such as myself. . . he's a whole different person."

"What does that mean?" Makayla asked.

"Have you noticed anything strange about him?" Ryan asked as she turned back to face her. "Like. . . maybe he met someone new that he's growing close with perhaps?"

"If this is a scheme to get me to tell you that Jake is hanging out with another girl other than you that he actually likes, I'm not gonna fall for it." Makayla said as she stood up and got in Ryan's face. "Jake and April are just friends anyway. It's nothing too serious."

"Ah, so that's her name." Ryan smirked.

"Oops. . ." Makayla said as she realized what she had just done.

"It's okay, it's not like I know what she looks like anyway." Ryan said. "Yet. . ."

"What do you plan to do?" Makayla asked.

"That's none of your business." Ryan said.

With that said, Ryan walked away. And Makayla was left alone and confused by what just happened.

"I have to tell Jake that Ryan's back." Makayla said. "Though, he'll be furious about it. But he has to know! I won't let her ruin the perfect friendship that he has with April!"

As Makayla got up and went to find Jake, Ryan was still watching from a distance. And with her, was Trinity.

"So. . . what happened?" Trinity asked.

"Well, it turns out that Jake is hanging out with some girl named Natalie. And is friends with a girl named April." Ryan said. "But his sister said that it's nothing serious, so. . . maybe I have a shot at getting him back."

"Wow. . . you're so naive." Trinity said.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked.

"Of course she's gonna say it's not that serious!" Trinity said. "Isn't it obvious? Jake must've told them about you and since he's such a handsome young stud man. . . then of course they'll jump at the opportunity to be with him!"

"But. . . that's not necessarily a bad thing, right?" Ryan asked.

"Are you dumb?" Trinity said. "They're trying to steal your man! You want him back, right? Cause you feel guilty about what you said, right?"

"Yeah, but. . ." Ryan was going to say something, but was interrupted.

"No 'buts' about it!" Trinity said as she smirked a bit. "Jake is moving on. And other girls are trying to get some of that goodness. Soon enough. . . he'll forget all about you and he'll have a new girlfriend before you even have the chance to apologize! You don't want that. . . do you?"

"Of course not." Ryan said.

"Then it's time to take action." Trinity said. "If Jake doesn't know how you feel. . . then how do you suppose you'll ever get him back, huh?"

Ryan formed a serious look on her face before it turned into a scowl. But not just any scowl. It was the look of hatred and jealousy. She has come to resize that Trinity may be right after all. She had to win Jake's heart back, no matter what.

"You're right, Trinity." Ryan said. "I have to get Jake before those other girls can!"

"That's the spirit." Trinity said with a smirk on her face. "Let your rage and jealousy fuel your actions!"

"Jake. . . I'm coming for you." Ryan said. "And I'll make sure we end up together. Cause. . . I need you back in my life."

Ryan and Trinity belong to me

Makayla Light belongs to makaylaLight435

All rights reserved

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