↳˳⸙ Chapter 11

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[➞] Aurora P O V

I turned to look at the door when someone knocked on it. I stood up to open it and saw Bam on the other side.

He looks quite determined. Guess that means he's going to tell us his decision.

"Mr. Khun, Ms. Aurora, and Mr. Rak."

I tried not to flinch when the boy added honorifics to my name. But I failed to hide it and Khun had noticed that. Dang it.

"There's something I wish to talk with you three about."

I quietly made my way to sit on the long chair. Looking at the boy with curiosity, I can hear the obvious sad tone at his next words.

"Rachel.. might not be able to use her legs anymore."

I stayed silent at his words. Though the other two were obviously shocked by the news, I was having second thoughts.

'I'll pass by her room later at night. I need to confirm something.'

Still, I managed to make myself look sad at the news Bam had bring. He looks really sad about it so I won't pry, for now.

To be honest, she hasn't really done anything major. But I would be a fool to ignore this feeling in my gut when she's near.

"They say it's not impossible if we treat her with shinsu but.. It'd take a long time and.. It'd be costly.. More than anything. They said it would require a skilled doctor, so.. So.. I'm going to.."

'Ah. This is it.', I closed my eyes to prepare for his drop out announcement. When Rak took it kindly to shout right next to my ears.

And because they were sensitive, I felt a lot of pain from his shouting that I almost fainted on the spot.

Thankfully, Khun who was right behind me. Managed to catch me in time while looking bewildered about something Bam had said.

'Oh. Did he finally tell us that he's dropping out? Ouch, I didn't even get to hear him.'

I definitely felt my tears coming out. I can't help it, I was getting so attached with all of them. When the blue haired male saw the tears coming out of my eyes, he panicked and asked something.

My ears were still ringing so I made a shushing motion to keep quiet before waiting for it to settle.  When it did, I slumped into his arms and sighed sadly.

"I didn't really hear him because of little gator- *cue of Rak getting angry at that nickname* -But he said that he's not going to continue right? So I just really feel-"

I didn't get to finish my words as tears flooded my eyes again. I'm an grown adult already, why am I this childish? Wanting to stay together because I got attached. This is really embarrassing.

I continued to pour my heart out into crying while the other three males in the room panicked on what to do. I didn't really expect them to do anything, but they were really funny to watch so I forced myself to stop.

When I finally settled down, the entire room was silent for a moment. Then Bam cleared his throat nervously and stated something that forever made me embarass and want for death to come and find me again.

"U-Uhmm... Ms. Aurora.. I'm actually climbing the tower.."

That sentence made me froze before robotically turning to face Bam's hesitant and innocent face.

'Ah. So what I just did was for nothing..'

With that last thought, I actually fainted for real this time.


It was nighttime when I woke up. I was a bit confused at where I am. I looked around and concluded that I was in Khun's room. Why I was in his room? I forgot.

So I stood up and intended to get back to my room, when I suddenly remembered what happened earlier.

I covered my red face using my hands. That was so embarrassing!! Jumping to conclusions like why?!


The soft whisper from behind me alerted me that in a state of panic, I tried to punch the person who did it.

Though I hit the air instead of the person, they probably dodged. But the momentum of the punch made me fall forward and as a result, I fell on top of the person.

"Ow.. Are you okay?"

While letting out a groan, I asked the person below me. It was technically my fault that we ended up like this anyway.

"Ugh.. I'm fine.. But get off me already, Aurora."

'Ah.. I recognize that voice.', I looked up to confirm who the person was.

Ocean. It was Khun's eyes. I was so lost in his eyes that reminded me of something so long ago. His Ocean blue eyes that stared back at my Ruby red ones.

I have no idea how much time has passed while staring at each other. Though I snapped out of it first when I noticed that our faces were just centimeters apart.

I didn't even notice that we were that close!

With a flustered expression visible on my face, I quickly stood up and rigidly turned to walk out of the door.

I was sure that my pace was fast but somehow, he still managed to catch my wrist to stop me from going.

"W-wh-what i-is it?!"

I yelped out to question him while radiating with nervousness. I was still too flustered to even look at his face. Honestly, why am I this flustered?!

"Ah. Bam asked if you would accompany him to climb up the tower."

I relaxed at his words. Good thing he changed the subject cuz I might faint again if not. Gathering courage, I turned to look at his face.

Only to freeze as I saw the teasing smirk on his face. I was tempted to flee at this point but my hand was still in his grip. Khun leaned closer as he started to tease.

"Heh~ Aren't you looking too red there, Aurora? Can't take my beauty? I thought you were shameless when it comes to this but I guess not~"

I felt my face burn at his teasing. But even if I'm embarrassed, I won't get beaten by someone younger than me. So to retaliate, I leaned closer and looked at him in the eye.

Khun seemed to be expecting this outcome as his eyes just gleamed with mischief and amusement. This damned pretty boy.

"Are you disappointed then?"

My cheeks were still burning but I didn't let that faze my resolve as my eyes were still locked on Khun's amused ones.

"Oh not at all. I like the way that you are now."

My heart skipped a beat at that. Dang it, my face is totally flushed red right now. Khun hummed in satisfaction at my reaction and let go of my hand.

I immediately bolted out from his room. I can hear him laugh and maybe even saying something but I was too flustered to even care. When I reached my room, I jumped on the bed and covered my face with a pillow before screaming on it.

This is unfair. I was supposed to get him all flustered and blushing but it backfired. Who knew that he was THAT charismatic?

Oh never mind that. He was already like that. That's what attracted me to him in the first place.

Ocean Eyes - [Khun Aguero Agnes] DISCONTINUEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя