↳˳⸙ Chapter 18

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[➞] 3rd Person P O V

On the other side, The Regulars had all passed the test. Yet they weren't celebrating nor were happy at all. Well, except for the skeleton hulk version. But he's irrelevant right now.

They were all anxiously waiting for news about Bam and Aurora. The last who was in contact with the latter was Khun, and so he was the most affected when news confirming their deaths was revealed.

Khun was currently in his room, blankly staring at the ceiling as he laid on his bed, brooding. He just came back from visiting Rachel, who fainted from the news. The blue haired male swore to fulfill Bam's wish on her bedside.

Now that he was back in his room, all he can think of was the last conversation he had with Aurora. The girl didn't even let him talk after receiving a shocking news from her. The nerve.

"You idiot.. I thought you were going to explain more later on.. Liar.."

Khun moved his arm to cover his eyes. It was unknown if he was trying to stop himself from crying or something else entirely. But the crack in his voice was noticeable as it echoed all throughout his room.

He had relayed the news of Aurora being an Irregular to the others. They were surprised  as expected, also confused on why she didn't reveal it sooner but it was all useless in the end. They can't ask her about it after all.

Khun bit his lip when a stray tear fell from his eyes. He was going to keep moving, for himself, and especially for them. But for now, he was going to grieve for them.

'Damn it.. I haven't got the chance to tell you yet... How dare you.. take my heart and disappear just like that.. That's just unfair....'


Meanwhile, Hwaryun contacted Yu Hansung after securing Bam and Aurora.

"What's the matter?", The Test Director inquired.

"Don't tell he refused?".

That would be a complete mess of his plans. While he was over thinking things, Hwaryun responded.

"No. He accepted it."

"Then what's the problem?", Hansung was now interested. The redhead wouldn't contact him to utter nonsense. Had they overlooked something?

'Oh come to think of it. That blonde, red eyed girl was-'

"Aurora is found alive, beside him."

At her words, all of his thoughts came to a halt. This was something he didn't expect, he thought that she had died from unknown causes. Yet who would have thought she was with Bam all along.

"This is an unexpected turn of events. Tell me, can you see her path?"

This was merely a speculation. But Hansung never made such a mistake before. Why didn't he ever consider that Aurora was also an Irregular at the first place? She seemed normal, strong but inferior from the Zahard princesses.

Then he calmed down. Khun had shared to them just earlier that Aurora was an Irregular. So he was somewhat disappointed that she died too early. This was a good opportunity. Another Irregular in their grasps.

"Her path.. I-it's blank.. How is it possible? Those are usually for dead people.."

Hwaryun was baffled at what she saw. When she first saw her, she thought that she was just ordinary. That her path would end with her death in this test. But she was proven wrong, when Aurora determinedly stood in front of her and very much alive.

At first, she thought that it was just luck. But as time passes, she doubted it. So she contacted the Director. There, she finally confirmed, that Aurora is a human with no clear future. This was extremely frustrating.

"Hmm.. Another Irregular, but with more mystery behind her. This is really getting interesting."

Hansung was really intrigued at her existence. He had never considered that their would be someone whose path is blank to the guides. A guide's power never failed to see the paths, even if it's a regular. Aurora would prove to be very valuable indeed.

"Is she going to follow Bam?"

"Yes. They both had requested to climb together."

"Perfect. Then I'll be looking forward to what change they would bring.", Hansung then ended the call right then and there. He was elated. He had brought not one but two monsters in the tower.

And so, six years had idle passed by after this very incident.

Ocean Eyes - [Khun Aguero Agnes] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now