Thirty Four

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The next morning Thea woke up earlier than usual. The sky was covered by a thick layer of corpulent gray clouds, which blocked the sunlight she had grown accustomed to seeing light up her room.

She left her room without bothering to change clothes, but stopped as James voice floated through the cabin. His room was on the other side but the space was so tiny that his voice easily carried over to where she stood.

It wasn't unusual for him to take calls, he still needed to keep up on the business that Ryder and the others couldn't handle in his absence.

She glanced at the clock on the stove. If he was on the phone this early in the morning it must have been important.

Shrugging it off, she flipped the switch on the coffee pot and leaned against the counter, her eyes half shut. Between the hot dog she had for dinner and the lack of training, she felt weak. Though muscle still laced her body, and not a ounce of fat could be seen. She promised herself that she would ask James to train with her.

"No. No, we cant tell her yet."

Her ears perked up inadvertently as James voice raised in volume.

"Because Ryder, she isn't ready to hear this yet. She just witnessed her brother kill himself." She stiffened, any trace of sleep left her body.

"I'll tell you when."

The floor boards creaked as he paced the inside of his bedroom. Her eyes focused on the door as her mind raced.

A moment later it opened and James stood, his eyes widening ever so slightly as they landed on her.

"Good morn-"

"Tell me." she cut him off quickly. She wasn't one to beat around the bush, if there was something he wasn't telling her, she needed to know.

"Thea-" He kept his voice low and stepped towards her cautiously, as if he was approaching a wild animal.

"What are you keeping from me?" She looked him in the eye.

"Just forget it Thea." He turned away from her, his voice growing cold. In a matter of seconds the James she spent the last two weeks with was gone, replaced with the business-gang leader.

"If it's about me I deserve to know."

"I said forget it!" he whipped to face her, frustration coated the command.

She turned away from him and headed for the door. He jogged after her and caught her wrist before her hand could grasp the handle.

"Where are you going?" he asked roughly.

"If you don't want to answer my questions, why should I answer yours?" She made to grab for the handle again, but he stepped in front of her.

"Okay, okay." He began in a bruised voice, "Just, don't leave." She stepped away from the door while he began to pace in front of her.

"Someone had called the house. They asked for you."

She frowned.

"They weren't from our gang, said that he got the number from one of our members after hearing rumors that you joined Vice." James paused, refusing to look her in the eye, "He wanted to know if it was true, what happened with Shane."

Her head snapped up, "Shane? Why would he want to know about Shane?"

James swallowed and slowly turned to face her, "He said that he deserved to know if his son was really dead."

Her breath caught in her chest.

"No." She shook her head, and backed away from James. "No that's impossible."

"He asked if he could see you."

She continued to back away. Her foot caught on the edge of the carpet and she stumbled. James moved to steady her but she put a hand up to stop him.


She shut him out, closing her eyes forcefully. Her mind raced, was it possible? Could he have been hiding this whole time? No. There was no way he could be there, no way he was looking for her. She forced air back into her lungs with a few deep breaths.

A few moments passed in dreadful silence, then she slowly reopened her eyes. When she did, they were devoid of all emotion.

"Take me back."

He refused at first, but caved when he realized it was no use. If he didn't take her back she would find her own way back. It took them under ten minutes to pack and shove their belongings in the back of the car.


The ride was eerily silent, a palpable tension made easy conversation impossible.

"How long?" Thea's voice broke the silence after two long hours.

James sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Ryder called the night we got here."

Thea exhaled heavily, "Two weeks."

"I was trying to protect you." James said gripping the steering wheel in frustration.

She grit her teeth, "I thought we went through this already..."

He sighed, "I know, I know. 'I don't need your protection.'" He imitated their past conversations.

"Adalyn may have needed you to protect her feelings. But I don't."

He nodded, "I know. I just don't get it." Thea glanced at him then continued staring out her window.


"Most girls would be crying, screaming, throwing some kind of tantrum. Or at the very least ranting about the importance of trust and honesty."

Thea raised an eyebrow without looking away from the rolling landscape, "I think you've read to many love stories."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm serious. It's like conflicts like this don't shut you down. They make you angry, alert."

He paused, "I just can't figure you out."

She looked at him from behind a guarded gaze, "So stop trying."



This one is kind of short too, but it's got a lot in it. I'll post the next up date soon. Hope you guys are excited...


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