Chapter 05: Diner and confrontations

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3rd POV
After school, Bella meets up with Charlie at a rustic home style diner called the Lodge.

A sirloin steak is set in front of Charlie as Bella sits down. Mia is no where in sight much to Bella's pleasure. The waitress, Cora, beams at Bella as she sets a plate of cod in front of her. Several loggers at the counter offer Bella welcoming smiles. She smirks and gloats at the attention. Charlie's oblivious. His mind elsewhere as he tries to wrap his head around something.

"Can't get over how grown up you are! I heard all about you and Mia from Charlie and I couldn't wait to see you both, but it's just you two here? Where's baby Mia?" Cora asks making Bella glance at Charlie, who keeps his eyes on his steak. A grim expression on him.

They're interrupted however by a bearded, hippy logger, Waylon Forge, as he appears behind Cora, leaning over her shoulder to Bella "Member me, honey? I was Santa one year" he gives Bella a suggestive once over that she catches and smirks at. Bella leans forward, making sure to stick out her chest, but before she can say anything Charlie snaps "Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four!"

This effectively stuns them as Charlie has always been quiet and docile "Bet I made an impression, though..." Waylon mumbles. He's nervous.

For split second Waylon and Cora flashback to the time when Helen Swan, Charlie's mother, was nearly assaulted by a drunk newcomer. Geoffrey Swan, Charlie's father, beat the man before running him out of town while firing a shotgun at his heels. No one dared to interrupt Geoffrey Swan in his revenge. Geoffrey had a nasty temper that only Helen could soothe and pacify.

Suddenly it wasn't Charlie before them. It was Geoffrey. And he was livid. Something happened today. Something awful happened today.

Cora is immediately concerned about Mia's whereabouts when she's distracted by Charlie sarcastically spitting out "You always do" Cora immediately starts doing damage control "Let the girl eat her cod, Waylon" Cora says shooing Waylon off before turning to Bella and saying "When you're done, I'll bring your favorite - berry cobbler. Remember? Your dad still has it. Every Thursday" Cora tries to bring back more pleasant memories which seems to work as the tension leaves Charlie's shoulders.

Bella, who doesn't remember at all, says "That'd be great, thanks" in a bland tone. Cora nods and walks away. Left alone now, Charlie and Bella both reach for the salt, knock hands. Charlie goes for the ketchup instead. Silence as they eat.

A burst of laughter from a nearby happy family only serves to emphasize their discomfort. Bella senses that this silence is different than the one in the cruiser and tries to ensure that Charlie is still her loyal fool "So... you eat here every night?" Charlie coldly responds "Easier than washing dishes" "I can cook" Bella offers. He looks up, as if confused by the concept "I do the cooking at home - in Phoenix. Mom's not great in the kitchen" Bella explains.

Charlie smiled and says "I remember..." They both laugh as they recall some especially bad dinners.

'Maybe it's not Bella...I mean Renee is a stay at home mom and babysat Mia while Bella was at school and Phil was traveling. She had spent the most time with her alone....but why wouldn't Bella notice?'

Charlie clears his throat and asks "How was school? Meet anyone?" "A few people... Do you know the Cullen family?" Bella asks making Charlie look up sharply as a sense of loyalty and protectiveness come out "Are people talking about them again?" "No... well, a little..." Charlie scoffs and starts aggressively cutting his steak "Just cause they're newcomers. We're lucky to have a surgeon like Dr. Cullen at our podunk hospital. Lucky his wife wanted to live in a small town. Lucky his kids aren't like a lot of the hell-raisers around here" " ... Okay" Bella mumbles making Charlie sigh "I just don't like narrow mindedness" and he returns to his food. Silence for a moment before Charlie speaks again.

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